sarchst / myspot

A place for music friends
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Scrum Update 4 #33

Open sarchst opened 4 years ago

sarchst commented 4 years ago


This week I used the spotify api to populate the playlists component with a user's playlists, including the name, description, and photo. I built a songlist component so that when a playlist is selected, songs for that playlist are displayed (also including name, artist, and album photo). One challenge I had was finding resources for the spotify wrapper class we used. In the next iteration, I plan to further implement the What I'm Listening To component, as well as implement playlist creation and editing.

me-louie commented 4 years ago


This week, I helped with restructuring the codebase to include the backend folders and added express boilerplate. I set up the myspot database, helped designed the User model schema, and generated a set of mock JSON data. I implemented POST/PUT/GET endpoints and connected Feed and Profile Page components to the backend. The most challenging part this deliverable was learning how to initially set up Mongoose to interact with our database, however in the long run the tool proved to be very useful for data validation/query actions. In the next iteration, I plan to work on refining the Feed component to allow for Post filtering/sorting, design additional components to complete the front end, and implement further actions to interact with our database.

qhanson55 commented 4 years ago


During this project progress, I changed the file structure to support a frontend and backend, helped designed our db schema, and added some template backend code. I built a MakePost component, adding actions, reducers, routes, and controllers so we can add posts to our feed and DB. The hardest part of this section of the project for me was deciding what data I wanted/ how I wanted it to flow for updating a user's post using both Redux and Mongoose. For this project progress, I plan on refining the Post/MakePost component to include Spotify API data, removing our mock data, and refining the coupling of the Spotify API and our DB in our application.

wjaustinlee commented 4 years ago


This deliverable I streamlined the login process and component, created a Profile component that uses Spotify API calls, and hooked up the Spotify API user information with the mongoDB user creation process. My biggest challenge this time was managing the complexity of coding in full-stack; integrating Spotify API calls with redux actions and mongoDB calls to display dynamically on React components required a lot of planning and analysis before I could even write any code. For the next sprint, I plan to expand the db functionality by implementing the ability to add and remove people to follow, clean up components from previous sprints, and implement the ability to see other users' profiles.