satellogic / telluric

telluric is a Python library to manage vector and raster geospatial data in an interactive and easy way
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Implement proper geodesic buffering #22

Open astrojuanlu opened 6 years ago

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

Expected behavior and actual behavior

When doing GeoVector.buffer the user would expect for proper geodesic buffering to happen, as described in this article:


Instead, the wrong result is displayed.

Steps to reproduce the problem

    Point(125, 39.36827914916014), WGS84_CRS

screenshot-2018-5-8 talk 1

Operating system and installation details

Linux, latest telluric.

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

(Notice that there is the combination of two problems here, see #23)

astrojuanlu commented 6 years ago

A good starting point for geodesic buffering is this exquisite paper "Algorithms for geodesics" by Charles F. F. Karney, where modern algorithms to compute the direct and inverse problems of the geodesic distance are developed:

(discovered from

An undocumented version of the direct problem is implemented in GeoPy:

and also in Pyproj:

astrojuanlu commented 5 years ago

Hit by this today, I might try and fix it.

astrojuanlu commented 5 years ago

There is a broader question here, that is: what to do with an operation that produces a result that is not representable in the original CRS?

This is exactly the case of the geodesic buffering: imagine that we have a point in EPSG:3857 close to 85 deg latitude. If we do a big buffer, the result can contain the pole, which is not representable in EPSG:3857 anymore. Naturally we would "cut-off" this part for visualization, but what about for storing it? Options:

More ideas?

astrojuanlu commented 5 years ago

Cartopy already visualizes it correctly:


But the core problem of telluric is still that a reproject might turn a valid geometry into an invalid one:

In [6]: geod_buffer = p0.reproject(azeq_p0).buffer(5000_000)

In [7]: geod_buffer.is_valid
Out [7]: True

In [8]: geod_buffer.reproject(WEB_MERCATOR_CRS).is_valid
Out [8]: False

screenshot_2018-10-01 geodesic buffering

Complete notebook:

astrojuanlu commented 5 years ago

See also #154.