satnaing /

My portfolio & blog website developed with NextJS, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS. Markdown is used for contents. Contents are managed via Forestry headless CMS.
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Transitions and animations are harsh #6

Open imranaalam opened 1 year ago

imranaalam commented 1 year ago

Prob: sliding animation in the start - sol: opacity in and opacity out is best (see

Prob: Animation on the intro of the blog is excessive sol: one animation for the entire section/ container and slow change of opacity

Prob: mouse indicator replaced with the circle is too much distracting Sol: remove it- or change it to scale to the large arrow (when the speed of mouse movement is fast) and then scale it back

prob: on - animations are too speedy and the blog I can't click through the image or headline/ title sol: make the page anchor the whole blog & reduce the animation speed

Besides these above points, I am loving your website (plus the eCommerce website you are developing).

satnaing commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your suggestions.

At the moment, I've been busy with AstroPaper for Astro's next launch, my new e-commerce project and my job. So, I can't focus on this immediately. But I'll definitely consider your suggestions in my future release of this project.

Again, thank you for taking time to check the project and give suggestions.