saxihuangxing / bigbluebutton-react-native-app

bigbluebutton react-native app
16 stars 13 forks source link

Meeting Join Issue #5

Open shubha95 opened 3 years ago

shubha95 commented 3 years ago

Hi Team,

I am using BigBlueButtonApi in my ReactNative project using Websocket and Meteor.I am facing some issues, please help 1) Getting all the meetings -

Able to get all the meetings where moderator is already joined.

2)Join Url - tion&checksum=f62ffebe3d4bc3e6775f8d8fe94189a45cedec18

Response - {"response": {"auth_token": "f38i593pnxmc", "guestStatus": "ALLOW", "meeting_id": "8173ffb077cf90d007458b9f0bff6af76455227b-16 22365685596", "message": "You have joined successfully.", "messageKey": "successfullyJoined", "returncode": "SUCCESS", "session_token": "8iqwbu0psqshsqdu", "url": "", "user_id": "w_rbeoeshkmshl"}}

I am not able to join meetings directly using this url - I say Session Unauthorized on browser. But getting the message You have joined successfully.

Also when I pass the above sessionToke to enter meeting Api - bigbluebutton/api/enter? Compete url at my end -

getting Response - {"logoutURL": " m1NcFh2UFY1V0Q2eWhkNnhOKytNRVI5MGUzdWg3T0EzVHptaDlvST0iLCJtYWMiOiJiZmEyNzU0NDVjNWUzMTFlNTljOGEwMTAwY2ExZWMzZGU4OTRlZGNiNDVjZGM4YzI2NmNiZjgwMGM5ZjBkNzgyIn0=&user=eyJpdiI6ImtKT0pEamtoa1h LMmxZR1RTWHNzR1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiTFZsZmlCSTI1SytGUFJDdkphMVBTdz09IiwibWFjIjoiNTBkNGNmNWFkNmVlYTIzM2VlYmZjZDI1NTg3MzdhOTJlYmNhMzdhMTVhODhmZTUxN2QxM2U3MDkyMTlkYTA0YSJ9", "message": "Sess ion not found.", "returncode": "FAILED", "sessionToken": "8iqwbu0psqshsqdu"}

Please help me where I am wrong.

Thanks and Regards shubham