sbs20 / scanservjs

SANE scanner nodejs web ui
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Update default "config.default.js" to work out of the box #686

Closed DasBrin closed 7 months ago

DasBrin commented 7 months ago

Standard config.default.js wont work out of the box. Application will throw error {"message":"Process is not defined","code":-1} in webinterface if you use async afterScan(fileInfo) for example.

sbs20 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for this. You are correct. But the linting fails because it's unused.

The options are:

> scanservjs-server@3.0.1 lint
> eslint ./src/**/*.js ./config/config.default.js ./test/**/*.js build.js

Error:   1:7  error  'Process' is assigned a value but never used  no-unused-vars

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

npm ERR! Lifecycle script `lint` failed with error: 
npm ERR! Error: command failed 
npm ERR!   in workspace: scanservjs-server@3.0.1 
npm ERR!   at location: /home/runner/work/scanservjs/scanservjs/app-server 

> scanservjs-ui@3.0.1 lint
> eslint --ext .js,.vue src

Error: Process completed with exit code 1.```