React has PropTypes, there are various JSON schema validator things around..
Here is a super simple, tiny, stupid one:
var schema = {
id: "number",
list: "array",
name: "string",
age: age => typeof age === "number" & age > 17 && age < 130,
foo: {
baz: "string"
var obj = { id: 1, name: "bob", age: 300, list: { one: "two" }, foo: { bar: "thing" } }
var validator = function validator(obj, schema) {
Object.entries(schema).forEach(item => {
var key = item[0]
var val = obj[key]
var keyType = typeof obj[key]
var expectedType = schema[key]
if (expectedType === "array") {
if (!Array.isArray(val)) {
errs.push({ key: key, expected: "array", got: keyType})
// if we have object, call validator on it
else if (keyType === "object" && !Array.isArray(val)) {
validator(obj[key], schema[key])
return false
// if we have a function, it's a custom validator func, should return true/false
else if (typeof expectedType === "function") {
if (!schema[key](val)) {
errs.push({ key: key, expected: true, got: false})
// if we have a string, it should be the name of the expected type in the schema
else if (keyType !== expectedType.toLowerCase()) {
errs.push({ key: key, expected: schema[key], got: keyType})
return errs
var errs = []
errs = validator(obj, schema)
if (errs.length < 1) {
console.log('YEEEEHH.. it validated!')
} else {
console.error('errors after validation', errs)
This can be used as a propTypes style add-on for component, to validate the state against a given schema.
The API for Component would be something like this:
var { Component, validator } = require("@scottjarvis/component")
Component.validator = validator
var myComponent = new Component({ some: state })
myComponent.schema = { ... }
myComponent.setState({ ...items: [ 1, 2, 3] })
// If a schema was defined, setState() will perform validation of the given
// state against the schema, and will not set state or re-render if validation fails.
React has
, there are various JSON schema validator things around..Here is a super simple, tiny, stupid one:
This can be used as a
style add-on forcomponent
, to validate the state against a given schema.The API for
would be something like this: