sc0ttj / mdsh

A simple static site generator, using Markdown and Bash
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Allow choosing stylesheets per page #68

Closed sc0ttj closed 4 years ago

sc0ttj commented 5 years ago

Split assets/css/main.css into


Contains base CSS - resets, simple, minimalist, bland styles, to be overridden by a CSS theme.


Overrides the defaults set in core.css


  1. Split files in assets/css/ as above..

  2. Add support for new vars: $site_style (defaults to main) and $page_style

  3. At build time:

Default style (main):

Custom style (foo):


Essentially, ***.min.css should contain the following CSS, minified:

# add core css - resets, etc
# add fonts
# add page style, or fallback to site style

You will still be able to add page-specific CSS by putting .css files in the following folder: assets/css/<page-slug>/some-file.css

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

Nearly done... Everything except separating stuff out to _core.css has been done in this commit:

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

done in and

File `assets/css/__core.css` is a new file, containing CSS fixes
and normalisations to make your site look the same across all
modern browsers, plus some extra classes to make life easier.

It will be included by default at the top of your minified CSS files,
along with any Google fonts you have chosen in `assets/data/site.yml`.

Here are some of the classes available in `__core.css`:

- `.off-screen` - hide content off the visible screen, but keep
                  it available to screen readers

- nicer looking, more accessible default colours, as classes:

  - Blue:  `.blue`,  `.bg-blue`,  `.border--blue`,  `.fill-blue`,  `stroke-blue`
  - Green: `.green`, `.bg-green`, `.border--green`, `.fill-green`, `stroke-green`
  - ...etc

Other changes:

- renamed `.footer` to `.site-footer` in the relevant templates and stylesheets
- removed some stuff from stylesheets that is now in `__core.css`