scalacenter / scalajs-bundler
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regression since 0.17 bundling resources from separate module #403

Closed evbo closed 3 years ago

evbo commented 3 years ago


I use sbt-buildinfo to generate source containing an object with different constants depending on environment (e.g. "dev" vs "prod").

To facilitate this, I have a simple "client" project that my "dev" version extends from by directly referencing its source:

lazy val client ="client"))
  // client used for tests and development so IDE can track managedSources in usual directories inside project folder

lazy val clientDev ="client-dev"))
  .settings( Dependencies.client)
    buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](
      "uri" -> "some-dev-server"

// the above module has no code of its own, it merely sets buildInfoKeys and otherwise references all of client's code here:
lazy val clientModuleSources = Seq(
  sourceDirectory in Compile :=, Compile).value,
  resourceDirectory in Compile :=, Compile).value

This used to work with scala 2.12 and scalajs-bundler 0.17.0, where it would correctly bundle the sources and resources from client, but now my target directory under client-dev does not contain any resources under the target/scala.2.13/scalajs-bundler/main sub directory. The resources are correctly populated in target/scala.2.13/classes however.

How could scalajs-bundler not copy correctly into the scalajs-bundler/main directory if my Dependencies.client says to do so with?:

webpackResources := ** "*" filter { _.isFile },

webpackConfigFile in fastOptJS := Some( / "webpack" / "webpack-fastopt.config.js"),
webpackConfigFile in fullOptJS := Some( / "webpack" / "webpack-fullopt.config.js"),

Every resource is bundled fine as expected for just building client, which doesn't have any buildInfo and doesn't try to set the resource or source directories.

evbo commented 3 years ago

my mistake, it seems sbt clean was not doing it's job, or I'm not triggering it correctly? I had to manually delete all target directories and then it worked.