scalefactory / terraform-tfe-workspaces

TFE/C workspaces Terraform module
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 9 forks source link
iac scalefactory terraform terraform-module

TFE/C workspaces Terraform module


Terraform workspaces module which manages configuration and life-cycle of all your Terraform Cloud workspaces. It is designed to be used from a dedicated Terraform Cloud workspace that would provision and manage rest of your workspaces using Terraform code (IaC).

Project status

terraform-tfe-workspaces is an open source project published by The Scale Factory.

We currently consider this project to be actively maintained and we will add new features, keep it security patched and ready for use in production environments.

We’ll take a look at any issues or PRs you open and get back to you as soon as we can. We don’t offer any formal SLA, but we’ll be checking on this project periodically.


Usage example

Workspaces configured by this module will likely require credentials for authenticating to the various services you wish to use.

For example, if we're configuring a workspace that requires AWS credentials, you will configure using the following code:

terraform {
  required_version = "~> 1.0"

  backend "remote" {
    organization = "scalefactory"

    workspaces {
      name = "terraform-cloud"

module "workspaces" {
  source = "../modules/terraform-tfe-workspaces"

  organization   = "scalefactory"
  oauth_token_id = var.oauth_token_id
  vcs_org        = "scalefactory"
  vcs_repo       = "terraform-infra"
  #tf_version     = "1.x.y"
  workspaces         = var.workspaces
  slacks             = var.slacks
  triggers           = var.triggers

  var_sets = var.var_sets

  vars = {
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = var.aws_access_key_id

  sec_vars = {
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = var.aws_secret_access_key

workspaces = {
  shared       = "terraform/shared"

var_sets = {
    test = {
        desc   = "Testing"
        global = false
        vars = {
            a = {
                val       = 1
                sensitive = false
                desc      = "woohoo"
                category  = "env"
            b = {
                val       = 2
                sensitive = true
        workspaces = [


Report issues/questions/feature requests on in the issues section.

Full contributing guidelines are covered here.



Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
tfe ~> 0.50.0


Name Version
tfe ~> 0.50.0


Name Type
tfe_notification_configuration.slack resource
tfe_run_trigger.trigger resource
tfe_variable.sec_vars resource
tfe_variable.var_sets resource
tfe_variable.vars resource
tfe_variable_set.var_sets resource
tfe_workspace.workspace resource resource
tfe_workspace.current data source
tfe_workspace_ids.var_sets data source


Name Description Type Default Required
TFC_WORKSPACE_NAME TFC workspace name from the ENV string null no
allow_destroy_plan Whether destroy plans can be queued on the workspace bool true no
assessments_enabled Regularly run health assessments such as drift detection on the workspace bool false no
auto_apply Whether to automatically apply changes when a Terraform plan is successful bool false no
execution_mode Terraform worskapce execution more: remote, local or agent string "remote" no
oauth_token_id ID of the oAuth token for the VCS connection string n/a yes
organization TF Organization to create workspaces under string n/a yes
sec_vars Map defining workspace sensitive variables map(any) {} no
slacks Map definning Slack notification options map(any) {} no
speculative_enabled Weather running plans on pull requests bool true no
structured_run_output_enabled Whether this workspace should show output from Terraform runs using the enhanced UI when available bool false no
tag_names List of workspace tag names list(any) [] no
tf_version Version of Terraform to use in workspace string null no
triggers Map for TFE trigger relations workspace->workspace2 map(any) {} no
var_sets Map defining variable sets any {} no
vars Map defining workspace variables map(any) {} no
vcs_org The Github organization that repositories live under string n/a yes
vcs_repo The Github repository name that is backing this workspace string n/a yes
workspaces Workspaces map where we define workspace and its path map(any) {} no


Name Description
work_vars n/a