scality / Droplet

Cloud storage client library
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dplsh get keeps on reading the same data on get operation #224

Closed mvwieringen closed 8 years ago

mvwieringen commented 8 years ago

With the current libdroplet and dplsh you can put a file to an S3 server (scality S3 docker image) but when you read your data back using the get operation it keeps on reading the same data over and over again. I have seen the same behavior with my own code reading data via the VFS interface it seems the EOF marker is ignored.

mvwieringen commented 8 years ago

b.t.w. putting and getting blobs using dpl_fput() and dpl_fget() works as expected.

mvwieringen commented 8 years ago

Ok had some time to debug this further. Added support to dplsh for the new stream mode of libdroplet using dpl_fstream_get() but that runs into exactly the same problems. Then I tested against AWS and there is works. So it seems to be a problem with libdroplet/dplsh against the Scality S3 server running in a local docker container. The range seems to be set to outside the actual file size but the Scality S3 server just returns the data at the beginning of the range e.g. 0

mvwieringen commented 8 years ago

Probably related to this issue in the S3 server.

mvwieringen commented 8 years ago

Seems fixed with newest docker image as of 29/11/2016