scambra / devise_invitable

An invitation strategy for devise
MIT License
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Mail doesn't gets sent when used with rails_admin #446

Open kumardevp opened 10 years ago

kumardevp commented 10 years ago

I am using rails_admin and recently integrated devise_invitable to it . The app is using rails 4 and i followed the guides to integrate it . All went well , even the admin side of rails admin shows that uninvited users are signing up , but the users don't receive mail .


Started POST "/App/creative_requests" for at 2014-03-06 13:09:48 +0530 Processing by App::CreativeRequestsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"YLpT48bmb6zsKQQv6ebGxWiu/OMRLVm3Z2lIoP7uSnQ=", "creative_request"=>{"name"=>"test", "email"=>"", "description"=>""}, "commit"=>"Save"} (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO creative_requests (created_at, description, email, name, updated_at) VALUES ('2014-03-06 07:39:48', '', '', 'test', '2014-03-06 07:39:48') CreativeRequest Load (0.4ms) SELECT creative_requests.* FROM creative_requests WHERE creative_requests.activation_token = 'b9940978956cf6ebac64f7162c37701d1cb6e697526cd9484fd8b6efa7083577' ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1 SQL (0.4ms) UPDATE creative_requests SET email = '', name = 'test', description = '', created_at = '2014-03-06 07:39:48', updated_at = '2014-03-06 07:39:48', id = 6, activation_token = 'b9940978956cf6ebac64f7162c37701d1cb6e697526cd9484fd8b6efa7083577' WHERE = 6 (46.7ms) COMMIT Redirected to http://localhost:3000/users/create_creative_user Completed 302 Found in 548ms (ActiveRecord: 47.9ms)

I am out of ideas whether i am doing something wrong or is it something else . Please help .

scambra commented 10 years ago

How users are invited? create_creative_user is not a devise invitable action