I had some errors with importing .vox files. Changing line 138 onwards with this fixed my problem.
In case anyone else runs into them.
It gave me a "you can't subtract an int from a string you stupid" error, so now I check if voxColors[data[i].color] is a hex string first
# now push the voxel data into our voxel chunk structure
for i in range(0,data.size()):
# use the voxColors array by default, or overrideColor if it is available
if colors == null:
if typeof(voxColors[data[i].color]) == 4: # check if string
data[i].color = Color(voxColors[data[i].color])
data[i].color = Color(voxColors[data[i].color]-1)
data[i].color = colors[data[i].color-1]
I had some errors with importing .vox files. Changing line 138 onwards with this fixed my problem. In case anyone else runs into them.
It gave me a "you can't subtract an int from a string you stupid" error, so now I check if voxColors[data[i].color] is a hex string first