schillermann / trolleydienst-php

Plane den Trolleydienst für deine Versammlung kinderleicht. Du kannst das Trolley Programm auf deinen Server installieren und nach belieben in der Programmiersprache PHP an die Bedürfnisse deiner Versammlung anpassen.
MIT License
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Datenbank Struktur in separaten SQL Datei auslagern #21

Open schillermann opened 2 years ago

schillermann commented 2 years ago

Die Datenbank Struktur ist auf mehrere Dateien aufgeteilt. Diese soll in einer SQL Datei zusammengefasst werden.

Denkbar ist auch eine Datei für Sqlite und eine für MySQL zu erstellen. Damit hätte man die Möglichkeit zwischen 2 Datenbank Typen wählen zu können. Die Datenbank Migrationen müssten dadurch jedoch doppelt geschrieben werden.

mikecopestake commented 2 years ago

What are the advantages of MySQL?

Using phpLiteAdmin makes database administration simple and keeps things simple.

schillermann commented 2 years ago

Hi @mikecopestake,

thanks for your opinion. You are right. There are enough who love to work with phpLiteAdmin. But there are also those who do not want to deal with the database administration. You simply upload the software and that's it. I think if we give users both options, everyone will be happy. Of course, this means twice the effort for database migration and structure. What do you think?

Greetings Mario

mikecopestake commented 2 years ago


phpLiteAdmin is GPLv3 so couldn't be included in the script, but it is easy to install and use for administration, probably easier than using MySQL and phpMyAdmin.

Adding both options will ensure that everyone is happy, but it sounds like a lot of extra effort for something that probably isn't necessary.

That is just my thought :-)

schillermann commented 2 years ago

@mikecopestake usually the hosting provider provides a tool for administration of the database. We generally do not deliver an external standalone software. This is important for liability reasons alone. Furthermore, we do not offer any support for such a tool. Apart from the fact that phpMyAdmin just sprout from security gaps. If someone wants to have an external tool for database administration, they have to get and install it themselves. If I had a server that was accessible from the outside, I would never install such a tool. In my opinion, this should only be used for local development. That's not intended for more.