schlangster / skyui

SkyUI interface mod for Skyrim.
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Just a note about string concatenation & localization #46

Closed yaiws-com closed 11 years ago

yaiws-com commented 11 years ago

Concatenation happens before replacement. Given: "$HELLO" is key to the string "Hello".

Debug.Trace( "$HELLO" + " world" )

Results in "$HELLO world" and not "Hello world". If you need concatenation for localized strings store each portion as a string var and use that.

String sConcatHello = "$HELLO"

Debug.Trace( sConcatHello + " world" )

Mardoxx commented 11 years ago
String sConcatHello = "$HELLO"
Debug.Trace( sConcatHello + " world" )

Would log $Hello world

However, if you sent this to the UI (e.g. AddHeaderOption(sConcatHello + " world")) and had your translation file as

$Hello  Bonjour
$Hello world    Hi to the world

it would display as Hi to the world since the string it was sending to the UI would be "$Hello world" which is present in the translation table.

The translation isn't done in Papyrus, that wouldn't be sensible because of string caching and case insensitivity. The "translate strings" (i.e. those beginning with a $) are sent to the Scaleform VM and processed there for translation when they're set to a text field.

What is it you are wanting to translate? We (schlangster) recently implemented a, currently undocumented, nested translation system which may be of use.

yaiws-com commented 11 years ago

Well. Something fairly simple. I have text that is concatenated with integers and floats.

string Function decimalDaysToString( Float afDays ) Return Math.Floor( afDays ) + "$DAYS" + (( afDays * 24.0 ) as Int % 24 ) + "$HOURS" EndFunction

Mardoxx commented 11 years ago

Ah yes, I never thought of something like that!

Leave it with us and we'll see if there's a neat way you can do it.

yaiws-com commented 11 years ago

Cool. Thanks!

Mardoxx commented 11 years ago

Ok here we go, in your translate files have something like $MYMOD_DAYS{}_HOURS{} Days: {}, Hours: {}

Then in your code, use a function like this to generate your translate string,

string function translateDaysHours(float a_days)
    ; This function returns the string $MYMOD_DAYS{days}_HOURS{hours}
    return "$MYMOD_DAYS{" + Math.floor(a_days) as string + "}_HOURS{" + (( a_days * 24.0 ) as int % 24 ) as string + "}"

and when using something like AddHeaderOption() you can do

float days = 125.4546

Basically, the {} work as delimiters for replacers, it's a vulgar type of a format string where anything within the curly braces will replace the curly braces in the translate string's value after being, themselves, passed through the translator. We use it for our default text, to avoid having lots of unique translate strings: Our translate files contain $SKI_INFO1{} Default: {} So we can do things like SetInfoText("$SKI_INFO1{0}") and it will display Default: 0 or even SetInfoText("$SKI_INFO1{$On}") so it yields Default: On

I hope this makes sense!

yaiws-com commented 11 years ago

Actually, it makes perfect sense. Thanks!

Mardoxx commented 11 years ago

Excellent :smile: