scholarslab / CodeLab

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Revised Code Lab Curriculum #1

Open ZoeLeBlanc opened 6 years ago

ZoeLeBlanc commented 6 years ago

Topics / Ideas - Revisied

what can we cover in an hour?

First Semester

Using a computer - week 1 (but really 2) - tag team week 1

Intro to Programming with Python Week 2 & 3 (zoe away week 3)

Week 2

Week 3 (

THE web and data 4-7 (zoe away week 4)

Week 4 - how to collaborate

Week 5 - how to get data

Week 6 - how to get data part 2

Week 7 - how to clean data

Week 8 - how to visualize data

Week 9 - how to publish and deploy

Websites 8-9 (zoe away)

Data manipulation 10-11

Second semester



Advanced data manipulation

Data visualization


Programming Patterns

ZoeLeBlanc commented 5 years ago

Zoe's Revisions - thoughts @shane-et-al ?

Using a computer - week 1 (but really 2) - tag team week 1

finally assign the programming historian tutorials?

installation hour after first meeting - Shane look into windows python, pipenv, homebrew, node, text editor, Github account how to get it working on windows pizza party installation party?

ZoeLeBlanc commented 5 years ago

Do we want to have them set up zshrc ? I'm a big fan of

ZoeLeBlanc commented 5 years ago

Week 2 Intro to Python & Terminal Time

ZoeLeBlanc commented 5 years ago

Week 3 Moar Intro to Python

spend half the lesson just going over everything we covered.

second half introduce a few more new concepts:

Final assignment: pair programming assignment with pairing partners debugging (stack traces, print statements)

text interpreter (sublime, atom, vscode)

HOLD OFF ON: logic and conditionals package management (pipenv) how to find help (stack overflow, man page, documentation, github) how to comment files importing modules and third party libraries assignment: assign common python library and present on it the next week

ZoeLeBlanc commented 5 years ago

next week: how the internet works DOM making html files styling html files css

week after: manipulating html files javascript OR requests and apis -> another way to get data

final week: data project either web scrape/api to get data create a class

save the data to a file