schollz / musicsaur

Music synchronization from your browser.
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Porting to Golang (for simpler cross-platform deployment) #29

Closed schollz closed 8 years ago

schollz commented 8 years ago

The serverside stuff is very simple and should be relatively easy to write in Golang. Possibly for v2.0.

One thing I don't know how to port is the Python Threading.timer(). Any ideas would be appreciated!

blakev commented 8 years ago

Why would you want to port it to Golang? Python is perfectly capable.

schollz commented 8 years ago

It certainly is!

I am interested in porting it so it can be compiled and run as an executable without any dependencies. This would useful for the non-tech savvy folks that just want to download, unzip, and run, or if you don't want to have a Python installation on the server computer. Also, selfishly, I'm interesting in porting because I love learning Go and don't really have a clue how to do some things that I can do in Python (like the Threading timer).

blakev commented 8 years ago

So....should we not clean this one up if it's just going to get rewritten? :P

schollz commented 8 years ago

I'd really appreciate the help cleaning it up. I'm still learning Python too, so it'd be nice to know what I'm doing wrong in terms of writing clean code.

Also, I expect not to port for quite awhile. I dug around some more and found that Go is currently lacking in MP3 parsing (though I figured out how to do timers, its easy!) and I'm not apt to writing one myself...

schollz commented 8 years ago

I got it in the works:

schollz commented 8 years ago

Add in version 1.3