schollz / zxcvbn

a norns script for a tracker on norns.
15 stars 6 forks source link

zxcvbn via headless norns(64bit) #24

Closed LarryBoy1975 closed 1 year ago

LarryBoy1975 commented 1 year ago

I'd love to try zxcvbn but in order to do so i have to go through norns:) i've got a RPi4 and your headless-hack( installed but have encountered a few speed bumps. Do you have any advice to get around.... "/home/we/dust/code/zxcvbn/lib/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32"?

error loading module 'cjson' from file '/home/we/dust/code/zxcvbn/lib/': /home/we/dust/code/zxcvbn/lib/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 stack traceback: /home/we/norns/lua/core/norns.lua:146: in function </home/we/norns/lua/core/norns.lua:146> [C]: in ? [C]: in function 'require' /home/we/dust/code/zxcvbn/zxcvbn.lua:28: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' /home/we/norns/lua/core/script.lua:198: in function </home/we/norns/lua/core/script.lua:198> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /home/we/norns/lua/core/norns.lua:147: in field 'try' /home/we/norns/lua/core/script.lua:198: in function 'core/script.load' /home/we/norns/lua/core/menu/preview.lua:23: in function 'core/menu/preview.key' /home/we/norns/lua/core/menu.lua:144: in field 'key' /home/we/norns/lua/core/osc.lua:92: in upvalue 'remote_handler' /home/we/norns/lua/core/osc.lua:107: in function </home/we/norns/lua/core/osc.lua:100>

script clear

lua: /home/we/norns/lua/core/clock.lua:58: bad argument #1 to 'resume' (thread expected) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'coroutine.resume' /home/we/norns/lua/core/clock.lua:58: in function 'core/clock.resume'

schollz commented 1 year ago

yeah its bundled with a cjson that is not compatible with your arch.

I just pushed a change to fix

cd zxcvbn/lib
make all

you might need to install liblua5.3dev first

sudo apt install liblua5.3-dev
LarryBoy1975 commented 1 year ago

That worked immediately!

LarryBoy1975 commented 1 year ago

I'm already floored by your gifts and hate to impose, but you are obviously the best person to ask... i'd like to see if gamepi-type hats can run norns on a Rpi4 (eventually CM4 w/cm4-nano-b). I guess id need to learn how to reasign the GPIO assignments and from what I can tell these may be handled by an overlay. Do you have any suggestions that may help me? The norns shield looks neat and I probably will try to get one but those GamePi options are plentiful and I can see that being a fun alternative for someone like me, interested in a pocket-DAW-tracker.

P.S. I haven't had a chance to play with zxcvbn yet, but it looks amazing! Thank you!

schollz commented 1 year ago

here's the original shield instructions:

making your own is possible. its been done (e.g. see this project: or this project: its also not easy. the audio codec stuff is baked into the norns image so not only do you have to reroute GPIOs you'll also need to rewrite the norns image (probably fork this: that's all I can really say about it except that its potentially a big project, compared to sourcing the parts to build the original shield.

LarryBoy1975 commented 1 year ago

Looks like I need to buy the shield. zxcvbn loads up but it doesn't respond to the keyboard.

schollz commented 1 year ago

Do you use docker? It's pretty easy to get it working in the browser form docker

LarryBoy1975 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for helping me realize that norns is locked up:( Your tracker looks really neat, it's what made me take a stab at norns. You should find a different platform and make zxcvbn your own.

schollz commented 1 year ago

don't agree its locked up at all- I mean zxcvbn can run through a browser and works perfectly fine (there is audio latency through the public internet, but no latency if run locally)

LarryBoy1975 commented 1 year ago

"locked up" refers to: "baked into the norns image". Not saying you can't have fun, there is just a limit. anyway, i found some easier options for me, Sound Pi and most amazingly, Renoise on RPi. Renoise was exactly what i've been looking for. Good luck sharing your coded love with the masses. Thanks for helping resolve my issues.