scicloj / clay

A tiny Clojure tool for dynamic workflow of data visualization and literate programming
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Example setup fails due to missing dependency #166

Closed mchughs closed 2 hours ago

mchughs commented 2 hours ago

System: Linux + VSCode + Calva

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start a REPL on the clay/examples/example-project directory.
  2. This will install some dependencies. You can check which by running clj -Stree from your terminal with this project as root.
  3. Confirm that any reference to the tablecloth library is not present.
  4. With your REPL, eval the example1 ns and try running the (require '[scicloj.clay.v2.api :as clay]) expression in the comment block
  5. You should get the following error in your output.
    ; Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at scicloj.clay.v2.server/eval9126$loading (server.clj:1).
    ; Could not locate tablecloth/api__init.class, tablecloth/api.clj or tablecloth/api.cljc on classpath.

Possible fix: Adding scicloj/tablecloth {:mvn/version "RELEASE"} to the deps fixes this issue. Though maybe the deeper problem is that tablecloth should be a subdependency of Clay

daslu commented 2 hours ago

Thanks, this will be fixed in the coming release thanks to #162.