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Introduce CRediT roles (NMS suggestion) #547

Open grahamjevon opened 3 weeks ago

grahamjevon commented 3 weeks ago

Summary of CRediT

CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a high-level taxonomy, including 14 roles, that can be used to represent the roles typically played by contributors to research outputs. The roles describe each contributor’s specific contribution to the scholarly output.

How it might work in Hyku

Currently we have the creator fields (with no option to specify roles). We also have the contributor fields (where a single role can be specified for an individual, such as supervisor, data curator, etc). The proposed development would do the following:

1) Remove the field distinction between "creators" and "contributors" (and "editors"). Instead have just one set of fields for human involvement (probably named "contributors") 2) Remove the existing controlled list of "contributor roles" (which includes, for example, "project leader", "supervisor", "data curator". 3) Introduce a new metadata field with a controlled list of the 14 CRediT roles 4) Ability to attribute more than one CRediT role to an individual

Additional considerations