Bug fix: random tilt angle values saved in .aln file.
1) m_fTiltOffset in CProcessThread.cpp was not inititialized. Some
system initializes it with a random large numbers. When -TiltCor -1
is used, tilt offset is not estimated and m_fTiltOffset stores the
random value, rather than zero that is added to the tilt angles.
Fix: added m_fTiltOffset = 0 in mFindTiltOffset. [06-17-2024]
Bug fix: AreTomo2 crashed when tilt angle file only has one column.
1) To be done.
Bug fix: ProjAlign/CCalcReproj::mFindProjRange: needs to check whether
m_aiProjRange constains -1. Fixed on 08-19-2024.
Added in MrcUtil/CRemoveDarkFrames.cpp a check for flat images that have
very small sigma. They are rejected.
AreTomo2 1.1.3 [06-17-2024]