I used the tutorial to install mumps, but didn't get libdmumps_seq.so , which is exactly what I needed.
My options.cmake is as follows:
option(autobuild "auto-build Lapack and/or Scalapack if missing or broken" true)
option(BUILD_TESTING "build with testing features" true)
option(dev "developer mode")
option(parallel "parallel or sequential (non-MPI, non-Scalapack)" ON)
option(intsize64 "use 64-bit integers in C and Fortran" OFF)
I used the tutorial to install mumps, but didn't get libdmumps_seq.so , which is exactly what I needed. My options.cmake is as follows:
option(autobuild "auto-build Lapack and/or Scalapack if missing or broken" true) option(BUILD_TESTING "build with testing features" true) option(dev "developer mode") option(parallel "parallel or sequential (non-MPI, non-Scalapack)" ON) option(intsize64 "use 64-bit integers in C and Fortran" OFF)
option(scotch "use Scotch" OFF) option(openmp "use OpenMP" OFF)
and my directive is as follows: cmake -B build -DMUMPS_UPSTREAM_VERSION=4.10.0 -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=on