/ When compiling with -DINTSIZE64, MUMPS_INT is 64-bit but MPI
ilp64 versions may still require standard int for C interface. /
/ MUMPS_INT myid, ierr; /
int myid, ierr;
int error = 0;
ierr = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
/ Define A and rhs /
/ Initialize a MUMPS instance. Use MPI_COMM_WORLD /
id.par=1; id.sym=0;
/ Define the problem on the host /
if (myid == 0) {
id.n = n; id.nnz =nnz; id.irn=irn; id.jcn=jcn;
id.a = a; id.rhs = rhs;
define ICNTL(I) icntl[(I)-1] / macro s.t. indices match documentation /
/ No outputs /
id.ICNTL(1)=-1; id.ICNTL(2)=-1; id.ICNTL(3)=-1; id.ICNTL(4)=0;
/ Call the MUMPS package (analyse, factorization and solve). /
// based on d_example.c from MUMPS 5.5.1
/* Example program using the C interface to the
include "mpi.h"
include "dmumps_c.h"
include "TEST.h"
define JOB_INIT -1
define JOB_END -2
define USE_COMM_WORLD -987654
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { DMUMPS_STRUC_C id; MUMPS_INT n = 2; MUMPS_INT8 nnz = 2; MUMPS_INT irn[] = {1,2}; MUMPS_INT jcn[] = {1,2}; double a[2]; double rhs[2];
/ When compiling with -DINTSIZE64, MUMPS_INT is 64-bit but MPI ilp64 versions may still require standard int for C interface. / / MUMPS_INT myid, ierr; / int myid, ierr; int error = 0;
ierr = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid); / Define A and rhs / rhs[0]=1.0;rhs[1]=4.0; a[0]=1.0;a[1]=2.0;
/ Initialize a MUMPS instance. Use MPI_COMM_WORLD / id.comm_fortran=USE_COMM_WORLD; id.par=1; id.sym=0; id.job=JOB_INIT; DMUMPS_C(&id);
/ Define the problem on the host / if (myid == 0) { id.n = n; id.nnz =nnz; id.irn=irn; id.jcn=jcn; id.a = a; id.rhs = rhs; }
define ICNTL(I) icntl[(I)-1] / macro s.t. indices match documentation /
/ No outputs / id.ICNTL(1)=-1; id.ICNTL(2)=-1; id.ICNTL(3)=-1; id.ICNTL(4)=0;
/ Call the MUMPS package (analyse, factorization and solve). / id.job=6; DMUMPS_C(&id);
if (id.infog[0]<0) { std::cerr << " (PROC " << myid << ") ERROR RETURN: \tINFOG(1)= " << id.infog[0] << "\n\t\t\t\tINFOG(2)= " << id.infog[1] << "\n"; error = 1; }
/ Terminate instance. / id.job=JOB_END; DMUMPS_C(&id); if (myid == 0) { if (!error) std::cout << "Solution is : (" << rhs[0] << " " << rhs[1] << ")\n"; else std::cerr << "An error has occured, please check error code returned by MUMPS.\n"; } ierr = MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }