scmbreeze / scm_breeze

Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
MIT License
2.82k stars 192 forks source link

git status does not show numbers #329

Open sfoley-gpqa opened 8 months ago

sfoley-gpqa commented 8 months ago


First time user, seems like a great idea. I'm having an issue with file enumerations not appearing when I run git status:

I cloned the repo, ran and verified that my ~/.bash_profile was updated. Then, I ran source ~/.bash_profile and navigated to a directory with an active git repo in it.

I edited ~/.git.scmbrc, setting the following:

export git_setup_aliases="no"

Then, I ran source ~/.bash_profile again to take the updates.

When I run git st or git status, I don't see the file enumerations. When I run gs, I do see them.

Note: I have Git completion and Bash completion enabled if that matters?

System: MacOS (Apple M2 Pro, 13.5.2) Shell: Bash (5.2.15) Terminal: iTerm2 (3.4.20)

igdaloff commented 8 months ago

I have this same issue!

System: MacOS 14.1 Beta (23B5046f) Shell: zsh (5.9) Terminal: iTerm2 (3.4.21)

ghthor commented 8 months ago

I think that the expected behavior, as I also don't have any numbered shortcuts when using git directly.

❯ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Mon Oct  9 14:40:29 2023 exit 0 🟢
shrc on  master [$?] on ☁️  (eu-west-1) 
❯ gs
# On branch: master...origin/master  |  [*] => $e*
➤ Untracked files
#      untracked:  [1] pkg/hivemind_config/iommu/.terraform.lock.hcl 
#      untracked:  [2] pkg/hivemind_config/iommu/libvirt-domain-generic.xml 
#      untracked:  [3] pkg/hivemind_config/iommu/libvirt-domain-win10.xml 
#      untracked:  [4] pkg/hivemind_config/iommu/pitcairn.rom 
#      untracked:  [5] pkg/hivemind_config/systemd/user/ 
#      untracked:  [6] pkg/shell/bin/ 
#      untracked:  [7] pkg/shell/bin/dnscontrol 
#      untracked:  [8] pkg/shell/bin/ 
#      untracked:  [9] pkg/shell/bin/go-dev-tools/ 
#      untracked: [10] pkg/shell/bin/phone-pull 
#      untracked: [11] pkg/shell/bin/rom-parser 
#      untracked: [12] pkg/shell/bin/wine-bnet 
#      untracked: [13] pkg/vim/.vim/.netrwhist 
#      untracked: [14] pkg/vim/.vim/bundle/textabyss/ 
#      untracked: [15] scripts/ 

Mon Oct  9 14:40:31 2023 exit 0 🟢
sfoley-gpqa commented 8 months ago

Maybe I misunderstood something in the README. In Configuration section 3, it says:

In your git.scmbrc config file, just set the git_setup_aliases option to no. Your existing git aliases will then be used, and you will still be able to use the numeric shortcuts feature.

Someone please correct me if I have misinterpreted something?

ghthor commented 8 months ago

I think that's probably not a misunderstanding. I'm not sure if there is a bug, as in that at some point worked and now doesn't, or if that's a feature that we'd have to add.

ghthor commented 8 months ago

This does look like an issue with git status in particular as git branch IS adding numeric shortcuts

❯ git branch
* [1] master

Wed Oct 11 22:54:17 2023 exit 0 🟢