scramjs / node-tutorial-for-frontend-devs

A tutorial and complete sample project for Front-End developers showing how to get Node, Express and Jade up and running, connected to MongoDB, and reading from / writing to the database
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Unable to npm run dev #1

Closed drdreo closed 7 years ago

drdreo commented 7 years ago

After cloning the repository and -bower install -npm install ,

i get these warnings:

npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: nx-local-server@0.0.2 (node_modules/nx-local-server):
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: nx-local-server@0.0.2 postinstall: `./`

which leads to an error when calling "npm run dev" in the terminal: no such file or directory, open 'node_modules/nx-local-server/nginx.conf'

Node version: v6.10.0 Bower version: 1.8.0 npm version: 5.0.1

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

What operating system are you using?

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

I'm only supporting unix-based systems, Linux or Mac

drdreo commented 7 years ago

Using Macbook Pro with macOS, and WebStorm to code.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

Sweet. So, this is my fault for not making this easier on the end user, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Take a look at the nx-local-server readme:

You might need to install libpcre3 or libpcre3-dev

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

I'll be fixing this eventually here:, but for now you'll just have to install them on your own.

drdreo commented 7 years ago

so libpcre3 isn't available for mac. I've found pcre and installed it but still can't install nx-local-server. ./ line 3: wget: command not found

Seems that shell command isn't supported.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

You also need to install wget

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

It's a common command-line tool for doing simple get requests

drdreo commented 7 years ago

So many dependencies that have other dependencies. Well, now i can npm install without errorrs. nx-local-server is finally there.

Back to the error in the beginning: Error: Failed to lookup view "error" in views directory .. At Function render

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

When does the error come up? In the Electron console window as you first load the app? Or when you hit one of the endpoints from the browser?

drdreo commented 7 years ago

npm run dev or npm run dev-window then


always the res.render("error") function gets called which leads to the error.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

Maybe it's the permissions on your views. pug is a layout engine that is going to read files in and produce html files for you. Have you worked with chmod?

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

This isn't best practice, but it might get things to work for now. Try chmod -R 777 views on the views directory.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

If that doesn't work, log this: pathModule.resolve(__dirname, 'views') somewhere in the AppComponent. It should resolve to the absolute path to your views directory on your machine. If it doesn't we'll need to fix that.

drdreo commented 7 years ago

Couldn't test it earlier. My Progress so far - chmod drwxrwxrwx 8 Andreas staff 272 5 Jun 18:36 views

in the app.component.ts i put the following

const debug = require('debug')('my-application');
const pathModule = require('path');
const logger = require('morgan');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const mongo = require('mongodb');
const monk = require('monk');
const db = monk('localhost:27017/nodetest1');

console.log(pathModule.resolve(__dirname, 'views'));
class AppComponent {`

ready() {
        console.log(pathModule.resolve(__dirname, 'views'));

still the Failed to lookup view "error" but nothing is logged.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

No log? Can you log anything from the ready function or before the class? If nothing is logging, it would seem like the component script isn't even running, though the error makes me think the handlers are hooked up

drdreo commented 7 years ago

Nothing. <script src="app.component.ts"></script> is at the end of the server app.

And other components are imported at the top.

Will the components in the template be "executed" before it gets to the app.component.ts and hence, throwing some error and it doesn't even get to the .ts

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

It looks like all of the components are just setting up handlers, not actually running any of them. I don't see why the error would occur unless you hit one of the handlers with a request. Maybe it isn't worth it to get this demo running on your machine, is there a reason you want to use this demo in particular? It's a bit dated, and I wouldn't recommend building an app this way. For example, I wouldn't use server-side templating with pug. I build single-page apps with web components (usually using Polymer), and then I just use the server as an API if I have to. I just hook up a bunch of endpoints that manipulate, store, and return data. What's the scope of your app? If you want, maybe I can point you to a better example project that is simpler and better suited for single-page apps and API servers.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

Are you using npm run dev-window? If not, the console won't log if you're using scram-engine 0.6.1. Try putting --enable-logging after electron in your npm scripts:

"dev": "electron --enable-logging node_modules/scram-engine/main.js --entry-file app/server/index.html",
"dev-window": "electron --enable-logging node_modules/scram-engine/main.js --entry-file app/server/index.html --window"
drdreo commented 7 years ago

The reason i want to get this example running is, that for my bachelor thesis i want to develop parts of a CMS with only web components server- and clientside. This example fitted this purpose well.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

Alright then. Did you get anymore logs from --enable-logging or viewing the Electron window?

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

If at all possible we need to see what the __dirname is, I'm thinking that could be the problem

drdreo commented 7 years ago

yes, now i see the console.log();

I always opened a chrome tab and entered localhost:3000, using the electron-window a white window appears and in the electron console the logs appear. WebComponents/nodetest1 is my working folder. __dirname = /Users/Me/WebstormProjects/WebComponents/nodetest1/node_modules/electron/app/server

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

That looks strange, I think webstorm is complicating things. Can you open up a terminal, do a manual clone of the repo, then bower install and NPM install all from the terminal? Then do npm run dev-window and let's see what the logs say.

drdreo commented 7 years ago

thats exactly what i did. I just use it as an editor, everything else is done via terminal.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

I guess I don't understand the file structure, I don't understand why the __dirname would be in node_modules/electron/app/server. When I do a direct clone and log the dirname, I get something like:


There shouldn't be any node_modules in the path, and I'm wondering why the directory is called nodetest1 instead of node-tutorial-for-frontend-devs?

drdreo commented 7 years ago

I guess that was a remaining thing from the original node express example project - deleted everything, created new folder and runned it.

restarting removed some errors. now, in the electron window, it says its running, but there is nothing to see.

drdreo commented 7 years ago

But if we don't get it to work, do you know any other example project with server-side web components?

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

You just need to kill the process on port 5050. There is a left-over Electron server instance running still

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

I don't know the mac command, but in Ubuntu I would do sudo fuser -k 5050/tcp. Search around if that command doesn't work, this might help:

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

All examples that are in existence that I know of are under this project:

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

I would love to get this one to work for you though

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

I'll work on a better example for you that is more up to date, it can be found here:

It shouldn't take too long, and it will have the latest express web components, scram-engine, and will use Polymer 2.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

Also, if you want more reading materials and such, I'm not sure what you've seen yet or not, so here is a list of pretty much everything there is out there on web components outside of the browser (including server-side which is what you're interested in):

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

Alright, this one is all up-to-date:

It's a pretty simple client and server together, might suit your needs better. I'll get the one we're working on fully up-to-date as well.

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

And sorry to do this to you again, but I've completed update this repo:

I would delete the old one and clone again, then bower install and npm install. I recommend doing this because the updated code uses Polymer 2 and the v1 specs for custom elements and shadow DOM, and the way you write the express handlers is simpler by just using methods, instead of setting functions directly onto the context (this) of the component class.

drdreo commented 7 years ago

Restarting killed the process, i've looked into the examples in scram.js but thought yours is easiest. Thank you very much for the literature. That's what i needed.

So i cloned and installed everything, again ^^ dev-window opens up the electron window, no errors in the console, a message that it listens on port 3000 shows, but the rest stays white, nothing to see.

drdreo commented 7 years ago

Now i tested the dokku-example - no errors and again, a white window appears. Is electron really automatically showing the index.html? How would i access the site in a chrome browser, or do i need to use the electron window?

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

Now just go to localhost and the port in Chrome. The Electron window is just showing you the server itself, and rendering the actual server components, which don't have a GUI right now. If Express is running then you've got yourself a server

drdreo commented 7 years ago

Well thats what i did now and back then with the pug error. Electron says app listening on port:3000 and in localhost:3000 -> Error: Failed to lookup view "error" in views directory

lastmjs commented 7 years ago

Maybe doing something similar to your fix here will solve it. The path that pug is trying to render is probably off

drdreo commented 7 years ago

Yep, oh my gosh. So happy, that it works now. Damn that


is totally off on macOS. app.set('views', pathModule.resolve('./app/server/views/'));
