scripting / blue.feedland

A place to discuss and develop an app that connects social media apps via feeds.
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Working on to prepare for release of #18

Open scripting opened 1 year ago

scripting commented 1 year ago

I'm starting to get the new thread-writing tool for Bluesky,, ready for release, and to start building a community here for the product.

The first change is that I changed the URL of the starter feed list. Instead of using the one we use for, I'm using the set of feeds I follow on Bluesky. That's temporary, I will start an account for and from there I will follow accounts I want to be in the starter list. At first I want to skew it toward people who post with And then see where it goes.

This is the URL of the feed list..

scripting commented 1 year ago

BTW, to see what that looks like --

My feed list...

And the timeline..

Now we get to close the loop. Adding the OPML and RSS feeds was the first step.

Now customizing FeedLand around that is the next step.

moosebegab commented 1 year ago

Hi, It's Feedland user (moosebegab) here to check this out : )

scripting commented 1 year ago

@moosebegab -- welcome.

the new product is

and behind it, mostly transparently, is another instance of FeedLand:

to get started:

  1. go to
  2. click the Sign on button
  3. a familiar dialog will appear, click the Sign up button.
  4. enter your username and email address, get the email, click the link.

if all that worked:

  1. click the Settings link
  2. in the first panel, enter the site url (, the mail address you used to log into Bluesky and the password you use. we will only use the account info to send posts when you click the button to post them.
  3. click OK to save the settings.

to post a thread:

  1. enter some text in the top box. as you type you'll see the thread displayed in the box underneath it.
  2. you shouldn't enter URLs into this box, it'll have unpredictable results.
  3. you can force a new item in the thread to be created by entering a hard Return.
  4. when you're ready to post the thread, click the Publish button.

there are lots of other things you can do in, but i'll save that for another thread here.

and of course if there are problems, remember to say what you did, what you expected to happen and what actually happened. be clear in the steps, if we can't reproduce the problem we can't help you. look in the javascript console for errors. screen shots can help.

scripting commented 1 year ago
image image
moosebegab commented 1 year ago

go to click the Sign on button a familiar dialog will appear, click the Sign up button. enter your username and email address, get the email, click the link.

When I clicked the confirmation link in email, it took me to:

I went back to ... sign on, sign on, got confirmation email, got sent back to blue feedland org ... went back to blue thread center. opened settings there and added bsky link and password.

I did a test thread which posted on bluesky:

Blue thread did not tell me it published.. it did do a bold letters flash for each post as it processed but the Publish button still says Publish 2 posts. So I went to Bluesky to check and there was my thread! : )

Nice feature I noticed if I deleted a post, it was smooth and automagically changed the x/3 to x/2 posts.

moosebegab commented 1 year ago

I guess markdown menu doesnt work yet.


scripting commented 1 year ago

@moosebegab -- it sounds like the sign up process didn't work?

which button did you click in this dialog?

you must click Sign up because you don't have an account on this server.


moosebegab commented 1 year ago

I clicked Sign up.

scripting commented 1 year ago

Can you say, very slowly so I can follow, what you did then?

I can't tell from your description if something didn't work. You ultimately did get signed on.

moosebegab commented 1 year ago

I wish I could do over the sign up process so I could document each step correctly.

Sign up. Enter username ( used moosebegab which is same for regular Feedland account ) and email. Received email confirmation image Clicked confirmation link. Confirmation link took me to Blue Feedland Org .. not to Blue Thread Center. image

This is hazy part.. I think I went back to the open tab of Blue Thread Center and signed ON. Pop up box asked for my email address to send confirmation link. (I don't remember adding my username). I got a second confirmation link which I clicked on. I think it opened another Blue Feedland Org tab. I think I went back to Blue Thread Center and was logged on. I clicked Settings and filled that out (bsky link and password) and was ready to post.

scripting commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I'll read it carefully and see what I can discern. The fact that it took you to FeedLand instead of appears to be the big mistake. I'll report back. And thanks for sticking with this.

scripting commented 1 year ago

@moosebegab --

  1. I was able to reproduce the problem here.
  2. Found the issue very quickly and fixed it.
  3. Verified that the fix works.

It'll be tested by the next user to come through this process.

Thank you for your help with this. No kidding this was a biggie. :smile:

scripting commented 1 year ago

So it's interesting that you immediately found the Markdown feature. ;-)

I wonder if other people are going to go down that path.

It would be really cool if enough people used this that we got Bluesky to support Markdown.

It would be a big and very easy upgrade for them imho.

WeThinkOmnisis commented 1 year ago

@moosebegab --

  1. I was able to reproduce the problem here.
  2. Found the issue very quickly and fixed it.
  3. Verified that the fix works.

It'll be tested by the next user to come through this process.

Thank you for your help with this. No kidding this was a biggie. 😄

This is what is was doing for me earlier Dave - I'll have a re-run through in the morning and report back

WeThinkOmnisis commented 1 year ago

And we're in :-)

I was about to say "but bold / italics etc don't work" but then noticed the comments above and that it's a Bluesky limitation!

I presume there's no way to be able to add images into the threads at the moment - it's just text?

scripting commented 1 year ago

A few fixes and tweaks. image

scripting commented 1 year ago

I started a new thread after writing the docs..

Hope you can stay in the loop.