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Credit scoring and under collateralized lending #100

Open with-one-wing opened 1 year ago

with-one-wing commented 1 year ago

Team Name

Boosty Labs

Project Description

PrivacyLender is a trailblazing customer-oriented platform designed to revolutionize the DeFi lending ecosystem by providing sophisticated privacy-preserving credit scoring and undercollateralized lending solutions specifically tailored for Web3 small and medium lenders and businesses. Our platform aims to be the go-to choice for DeFi stakeholders seeking secure and innovative lending solutions that prioritize privacy, performance, and scalability.

Problem / Solution

Problem statement: Web3 lenders and businesses face considerable challenges in offering undercollateralized loans due to the lack of comprehensive and privacy-preserving credit scoring mechanisms. Current features needed to protect borrowers' sensitive information. This situation poses a significant barrier to the growth and widespread adoption of decentralized lending services, ultimately hindering the progress of the DeFi ecosystem.

Solution: PrivacyLender takes full advantage of the Secret Network's state-of-the-art privacy-preserving technology to offer a secure, private, and scalable platform for credit scoring and undercollateralized lending. By utilizing cutting-edge AI, machine learning, SSI, and Secret Oracles, PrivacyLender presents an unparalleled solution that addresses the unique needs of Web3 lenders and businesses while actively contributing to the growth and adoption of the Secret Network. solutions in the market either rely heavily on overcollateralization or lack the essential privacy.

Detailed product description

Go-to-Market plan

Our meticulously crafted go-to-market and commercialization plan focuses on the following crucial aspects:

Value capture for Secret Network ecosystem

PrivacyLender brings significant value to the Secret Network by providing a unique use case for its privacy-preserving blockchain technology. By offering a privacy-focused lending platform, PrivacyLender attracts a new class of users who value their financial privacy and security, increasing the adoption and usage of the Secret Network.

Additionally, as PrivacyLender's user base grows, it will generate more transactions on the Secret Network, increasing the platform's usage and providing a valuable source of demand for the network's native token. This could drive up the token's value and increase the network's overall liquidity.

Furthermore, PrivacyLender's undercollateralized lending solutions could bring new opportunities for users to earn higher returns on their assets, further incentivizing them to use the Secret Network and its privacy-preserving features. This could create a positive feedback loop, where more users are attracted to PrivacyLender, driving up demand for the Secret Network's privacy-preserving services and features.

Team members

Our team is made up of highly skilled professionals who have gained experience working with top companies such as Ledger, Zerion, Casper, Storj, Paraswap, and Consensys.

Viktor Ihnatiuk, technical Adviser. Co-founder of Boosty Labs, Advisor at Storj.

Viktor V., CTO. Expert with 17+ years’ experience as CTO, Lead and Full Stack engineer, 40+ projects. Specialises in blockchain and smart contracts development. GitHub:

Taras P., Lead frontent developer. Lead Frontend developer with experience at top crypto companies such as Blockchain and Ledger. Specialises in crypto-wallets, browser extensions and NFT development. GitHub:

Dmytro Y., Golang Developer. Golang Developer, worked with companies such as Zion, Animoca, Amuzed and over 10+ NFT projects. Specialises in dApps and web3 products development. GitHub:

*the list of team members stated here is not full (the final necessary team members will be listed in the point 11-Development Roadmap) and could be changed or updated.

Team's experience

Storj Labs: case here: The world's largest decentralized cloud storage provider. We provided Storj with full-scope software engineering, product management, design and QA services. Delivered web development and integration/migration services. Designed, developed and launched Android/iOS apps, Object Storage management tools (aka Satellite Account), IAM using Macaroons, software for node operators, crypto/fiat payment system implementation using Stripe, etc.

Ledge: Ledger is a fast paced, growing company developing security and infrastructure solutions for cryptocurrencies as well as blockchain applications for individuals and companies, by leveraging a distinctive, proprietary technology. Boosty Labs developed all the infrastructure for with our team. Ledger is a fast paced, growing company developing security and infrastructure solutions for cryptocurrencies as well as blockchain applications for individuals and companies, by leveraging a distinctive, proprietary technology

Сonsensys : case here: ConsenSys is the leading Ethereum software company. They enable developers, enterprises, and people worldwide to build next-generation applications, launch modern financial infrastructure, and access the decentralized web. Boosty Labs was working on Codefi and provided Consensys with full-stack development and QA engineering services. Storj Labs The world's largest decentralized cloud storage provider. We provided Storj with full-scope software engineering, product management, design and QA services. Delivered web development and integration/migration services. Designed, developed and launched Android/iOS apps, Object Storage management tools (aka Satellite Account), IAM using Macaroons, software for node operators, crypto/fiat payment system implementation using Stripe, etc.

Mysterium An open-source ecosystem of tools and infrastructure to liberate the web. Boosty Labs is currently working on the product - decentralized VPN which is a global, distributed network powered by everyday people. Boosty Labs provide its back-end developers, DevOps and even CTO. So, our model of work allow clients to work with developers and even with C-level like with their own employees.

Paraswap Paraswap is the leading DeFi aggregator that unites the liquidity of decentralized exchanges and lending protocols into one comprehensive and secure interface and APIs. The mission of Paraswap is to drive DeFi participation to new heights by offering secure, intelligent and optimized trading solutions for individuals and institutional traders to tap effortlessly into the fragmented liquidity pools. Boosty Labs helped Paraswap with the smart-contract part and provided Rust developer to be engaged into the project.

Team Code Repos

Development Roadmap

We will require ~10-11 weeks to complete this project. We intend to have 5 people: Front-end developer, Back-end developer, Project Manager, QA manual engineer, Smart Contract Engineer at a total cost of $75 875

*please note that the total cost is not final and could vary +-10%

Q1: Development and Launch of PrivacyLender Platform

Complete AI models, Secret Contracts, and frontend development Conduct security audits and vulnerability assessments Launch the platform and onboard initial users

Q2: Community Building and Educational Initiatives

Create educational content, guides, and tutorials Conduct workshops, webinars, and engage with the community on social media Establish a strong presence in the DeFi community

Q3: Expanding Partnerships and Ecosystem Integrations

Establish strategic partnerships with relevant projects and organizations Integrate with other platforms and protocols within the Secret Network ecosystem Explore potential collaborations with cross-chain projects

Q4: Continuous Improvement and Platform Optimization

Collect user feedback, address issues, and iterate on the product Develop and implement additional features based on user needs Maintain a strong focus on security and performance improvements

Example milestones

Secret Contract Development: (250 hours)

AI and Machine Learning Model Development: (300 hours)

Web3 Integration and User Interface Development: (150 hours)

Testing and Quality Assurance: (160 hours)

Project Management and Coordination: (300 hours)

Additional Information