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Actalink - Empower Web3 Businesses with Payments & Process Automation #150

Open iamtamaghna opened 3 months ago

iamtamaghna commented 3 months ago

Project Description

Current Web3 Problems

→ Web3's dependency on manual signatures from user wallets for each individual transaction limits the potential for automation. This creates friction in processes that could be streamlined. Automating core Web3 operations requires a shift away from constant manual intervention or the added complexity of external smart contracts.

→ The steep learning curve associated with navigating Web3 applications leads to major barrier to mass adoption. Web3 applications often demand a level of technical knowledge that discourages many potential users. To compete with established Web2 counterparts and achieve mainstream success, Web3 interfaces must be drastically simplified.

→ The lack of fluid communication and asset transferability between different blockchains creates a fragmented Web3 ecosystem. Users are forced to navigate complex, multi-step processes to move assets or execute cross-chain operations, leading to increased costs and inefficiencies.

To fully realise Web3's promise of a decentralised and interconnected future, seamless interactions between blockchains must be prioritised.

Solution by Actalink

→ Simplifying User Experience for Mass Adoption Actalink streamlines the Web3 onboarding experience by allowing users to connect with familiar social or email accounts or EOA wallets. This bypasses the technical complexities associated with traditional wallets, creating a welcoming entry-point that mirrors the ease of use found in Web2 applications.

→ Empowering Automation with Smart Wallets | Powered by Account Abstraction Actalink leverages smart wallets as a service to free Web3 operations from the constraints of manual approvals. This enables businesses to implement process automation and build programmable interactions according to their unique needs.

→ Enabling Cross-Chain Connectivity Actalink unlocks interoperability by using smart wallets to facilitate programmable communication between blockchains. This empowers seamless interactions, breaking down silos, and eliminating the costly, complicated processes previously required for cross-chain operations.

Actalink - Suite of Products

User Flow of Programmable Payments in a DApp - powered by Actalink

User Flow


Go-to-Market Plan

Actalink’s value proposition is to use the Secret Network technology & ecosystem to offer real value by providing seamless UX and offer programmable features to their users for

Programmable feature is already being accepted in Ethereum ecosytem, we want privacy focused Secret Network to adopt Account Abstraction and offer broader privacy focused programmable solutions to automate various processes.

Value Proposition for Secret Network ecosystem

Core Value Proposition

Actalink promises to deliver significant value to Secret Network by driving adoption, expanding use cases, and establishing a foundation for innovation:

Specific Value Drivers

Why building on Secret Network?

Our mission at Actalink is to unlock the potential of Web3 through user-friendly experiences and powerful programmable features. Secret Network aligns perfectly with this vision, making it the ideal platform for us to build on:

Team members & Experience

Sumit Kishore - Founder → 21 Years of Work Experience (7 Years in Web3 & 14 years in Finance & Investments) → At Consensys [since 2018-Present], → Founder of an Crypto AML/CFT Solution, → Project Lead of Crypto Index Fund, → Product Lead of Crypto Payroll dApp, → Crypto Tax dApp & Web3 Finance Ops dApp

At Actalink, Founder and CEO of Actalink [2023-Present]

In Traditional finance, Transition of Business Functions and Operations for Middle Office Functions at BNY Mellon, Citibank etc. Linkedin

Santanu - Software Engineer - Full Time 5+ years of experience building dApps, smart contracts on ethereum. Worked with Ethereum Foundation, Remix IDE, Loom Network, Gelato Network, Arrakis Finance. Linkedin

Tamaghna - Project Manager - Full Time 5+ years of experience in web3 product management (Smart contract Devtools, DAO platforms, Payment solutions), research and analysis. Linkedin

Aniket - Software Engineer - Full Time 2+ years of experience in bundling infrastructure tools for EVM chains. Linkedin

Karolina - Product Marketing - Part Time 5+ years of experience in Digital Marketing. Building acquisition strategies for international companies, data-driven with strong analytical skills. Linkedin

Yash - Software Engineer - Full Time 2+ years of experience in Frontend Developer - Autonomies [2021-2022], Web3 Developer - IbetYou [2022-2022], Web3 Developer - Wonderbox Labs [2022-2023], Web3 Developer - Polkasafe [2023 - 2023] & Software Engineer - Acta Link [2024 - Present] Linkedin

Nidhi - Product Designer 2+ years of experience in Creative designer - Coding Blocks (Jan 2022-Jun 2022), Product design researcher - Coto (July 2022 - December 2023), UI/UX designer - Intervue (Jan 2023 - Dec 2023) & UI/UX designer - Actalink (Jan 2024 - Present) Linkedin

Grant Request Overview & Milestones

Grant Request - $30,000

No. Type Terms Amount Duration
1 Guaranteed Upon Legal agreement signature $5,000 N/A
2 1st Milestone Milestone 1 - Deliver Tools/Infra for Smart Wallet• Build Smart Wallet (using Metamask) for Secret Network Ecosystem (Open-source)• Build bundler, paymaster and Entry Points (Open-source)• Write smart contracts for accounts and entry points (Open-source)• Enable Smart Wallet creation for Metamask wallets. (Open-source) $8,000 4 Weeks
3 2nd Milestone Milestone 2  - Deliver Tools/Infra for Programmable Payments - Phase 1• Enable Users for programmable user operations on Smart Wallets  (Proprietary software)• Build APIs & SDK for integration in dApps and payment processors.  (Proprietary software)• Perform beta integration in 3-5 Secret Network applications ( Testnet) $8,000 4 Weeks
4 3rd Milestone Milestone 3  - Deliver Tools/Infra for Programmable Payments - Phase 2• Develop backend and smart contracts to enable bridging mechanism to Integrate cross-chain bridge in Smart Wallets (Open-source/Proprietary software - Depends on partnership agreement with Bridging protocol) ◦ This will enable Web3 Wallet’s (Metamask) funds on EVM networks for transactions on Secret Network Applications using Smart Wallets• Test Integration with another 3-5 Secret Network applications $6,000 6 Weeks
5 4th Milestone Milestone 4 • Deploy Smart Wallet and it’s features in Secret Network Mainnet • Partnerships with Secret Network Applications $3,000 2 Weeks

Website Twitter Linkedin

azaidelson commented 3 months ago

Please contact me on Telegram (@azaidelson ) for discussion. Best if you create a group and add me.

iamtamaghna commented 3 months ago

@azaidelson Telegram group created and invited you to join the group.