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180Protocol: Data Asset Secret NFTs #47

Open parthbond180 opened 2 years ago

parthbond180 commented 2 years ago

Description of Project

180Protocol is building collaboration software for the next generation of enterprise. Our goal is to create a world with connected businesses, powered by the exchange of data.

We are a team of passionate innovators who believe in the application of decentralized technologies to drive the fourth industrial revolution.

We have followed Secret Network for a couple years through the Outlier Ventures network in particular and like Secret, privacy is at the core of our offering.


Sharing and creating value from sensitive data is too hard for enterprises. Businesses currently face numerous barriers, which prevent them from accessing, sharing and monetizing their data assets. These barriers include concerns around privacy, control, and a lack of incentive.

180Protocol is an infrastructure for creating enterprise data unions. We remove barriers and encourage collaboration and data sharing amongst enterprises. This will lead to better commercialisation of data assets and shared business intelligence.

Detailed Product/network improvement description

Our technology weaves together public blockchain, confidential computing and private DLT to create the environment in which businesses can collaborate and share data. The outcome of which is increased business intelligence and capacity to commercialize trapped data assets (like IP, research, trade secrets etc).

180Protocol is an open source toolkit that enables data contributors to aggregate sensitive data. Through the use of a TEE, our technology enables secure multi-party computations so that new and valuable data outputs can be created.

180Protocol is comprised of the following components:

Detailed Architecture: Privacy Preserving Aggregation Flows -

Confidential applications built on 180Protocol can leverage the power of DLT and confidential computing, alongside other core technologies.

We intend to integrate the Aggregator SDK with the Secret Network by enabling output data assets to be minted as Secret NFTs. This creates a privacy assured transferable data asset so that our clients are assured privacy in both the creation and dissemination of unique data outputs.

Go-to-market and commercialization plan

Our data unions open up a world of use cases for enterprises. We have already identified opportunities and made headway in several key industries, including financial services, arts & culture, insurance, hospitality, healthcare and carbon markets.

The first phase of our outreach strategy involves targeting uses for our technology through creating and leveraging a community. In parallel, we are engaging industry consultants, advisors, and data focused councils and other industry bodies to promote our vision, a world of enterprise connected by the flow of data.

Community, developer and user engagement will be supported with an NFT competition for use cases, with higher incentives for use cases that are deployed. This competition is being launched imminently.

Our commercialisation strategy is “protocol-as-a-service”. We will expand our offering to enable fully decentralized and privacy assured B2B marketplaces, combined open-source with the provision of premium and subscription services.

Value Capture for Secret Ecosystem

At 180Protocol, we believe that effective data collaboration will drive the fourth industrial revolution. Critical to capturing the value created through this evolution of industry will be giving confidence to businesses that they can deploy sensitive assets securely, privately, and with the right incentives given the risk.

By integrating 180Protocol into the Secret Network via the steps outlined below, Secret will benefit from 180Protocol’s bridging technology ultimately deploying Web3 for enterprise. This technology is designed for the complex needs of businesses created by deeply experienced enterprise technologists and deploying the best of enterprise-grade blockchain and confidential computing technologies in a fully configurable and flexible manner.

When deployed as a Secret NFT, data assets generated by businesses will become commodities traded, exchanged, and consumed on the Secret Network. 180Protocol’s technology is designed to be industry and use case agnostic, predicated only on the requirement for data to be shared amongst businesses to achieve a commercial outcome. This flexibility opens up the full realm of possible value capture for Secret Network.



The 180Protocol team is composed of passionate individuals and creative problem solvers aiming to make enterprise on ramp to web3. We are on a mission to unlock the value in sensitive enterprise data through the deployment of confidential computing and DLT. The core team is composed of Phil Holbrook, and Parth Shukla, who established Bond180, the tech service provider for 180Protocol. Phil has 15 years experience working on the buy-side of finance in the City of London and Parth is an experienced enterprise architect and developer, with expertise in R3 Corda, and Ethereum in terms of Layer 1 and experience with several TEE frameworks like Conclave, Apache Teaclave, Anjuna etc. The team is supported by two senior developers based out of India, both with experience in writing enterprise grade distributed applications. The team is advised by Igor Lobanov, former Chief Architect at Legal and General Investment Management, Keith Bear, formerly Head of Blockchain at IBM and Ian Hunt, a buy-side technology expert. Further, 180Protocol has Leo Greve and Chiel Ruiter as NED’s, both experienced capital markets bankers with several decades of experience across European financial markets.

Technical Team

Commercial Team & Advisors

Milestones & budget

Milestone 1 (1-2 months): Develop a Data Asset Secret NFT smart contract

Development costs $30k Other $10k

Milestone 2 (2-4 months): Integrate Secret NFT smart contract with 180Protocol Aggregator SDK

Development costs $60k Other $20k

Milestone 3 (2-4 months): Introduce enhanced features to Data Asset Secret NFT

Development costs $60k Other $20k

Milestone 4 (1-2 months): Explore feasibility of 180Protocol Secret DAO on Secret Network


Total Time - 6 months - 12 months

Total Budget - $240k

Additional information

We have already recieved a grant from Filecoin to integrate Filecoin as a decentralized storage layer for data outputs from our Aggregator SDK

JayScrtNetwork commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reaching out via Discord. Talk soon