sct-pipeline / contrast-agnostic-softseg-spinalcord

Contrast-agnostic spinal cord segmentation project with softseg
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Strategy to re-use existing binary ground truth for enriching contrast-agnostic model #84

Closed jcohenadad closed 4 months ago

jcohenadad commented 8 months ago

There are a few projects where binary ground truths of good quality already exist. They have been reviewed by a human and are reliable to use for training. However, given that the original mask was created using sct_deepseg_sc, there is an over/under segmentation. Moreover, the mask is binary and we'd rather enrich the contrast-agnostic model using soft mask, in order to avoid reducing the softness of the model prediction (@naga-karthik observed it in previous experiments).

One possible strategy, is to:

valosekj commented 8 months ago

Once the appropriate kernel is found, apply it to the GT, and call the new GT with suffix, eg: sub-XXX_T1w_label-SC_seg-soft.nii.gz. Or sub-XXX_T1w_label-SC_probseg.nii.gz (although I find the latest one less intuitive, maybe we should revisit our convention @valosekj @sandrinebedard)

Agree. sub-XXX_T1w_label-SC_seg-soft.nii.gz is more intuitive than sub-XXX_T1w_label-SC_probseg.nii.gz. Another possible variants:

jcohenadad commented 8 months ago

i like sub-XXX_T1w_label-SC_softseg.nii.gz. I think it makes it more BIDS compliant by not having the hyphen between soft and seg

valosekj commented 8 months ago

i like sub-XXX_T1w_label-SC_softseg.nii.gz.

Me too!

I think it makes it more BIDS compliant by not having the hyphen between soft and seg


Let's wait for @sandrinebedard opinion. I will then update our convention.

jcohenadad commented 8 months ago

also tagging @mguaypaq who is versed into bids

sandrinebedard commented 8 months ago

I agree with sub-XXX_T1w_label-SC_softseg.nii.gz, it also coherent with (which the average softseg created from spine generic)

mguaypaq commented 8 months ago

Some thoughts:

valosekj commented 8 months ago

I guess we concluded to change _probseg.nii.gz to _softseg.nii.gz. I did this in

Mathieu's point about _desc-suffix_ is relevant and should be kept in mind.

Nilser3 commented 8 months ago

First result with fixed kernel:

This is a slice where of the sub-MRS00, that due to the presence of a MS lesion, the contrast-agcostic (C.A.) model has an important subsegmentation, where even if we apply a dilation in this soft masks, we do not get to have a correct soft segmentation of the SC (image 2 - 4).

So, taking the binary GT and doing a dilation with a fixed kernel (see Notebook ), we can obtain a soft mask that keeps the CSA measure (image 5 - 6).

Screenshot from 2023-11-02 01-30-26

Performing this procedure on all slices, we observe a preserved CSA between GT bin and GT soft

Here is the QC sub-MRS001

I will continue to investigate the entire database to see if there is a significant difference between the CSA from GT bin and soft. (for this subject the maximum difference was 0.009 mm2 ).

jcohenadad commented 8 months ago

This is excellent @Nilser3 ! I think it's the way to go

Nilser3 commented 8 months ago

As previously reported, Here the QC for 12 subjects from marseille-3T-mp2rage with SC improved and soft masks.

Legend of QC maks

Comparison of bin - soft CSA in 12 patients (M0 and M24)

In the QC there is a shrink effect for the soft mask, but it is only visual, here is the real image:


jcohenadad commented 8 months ago

We have two params: the sigma of the gaussian kernel (that creates the softness of the GT), and the dilation/erosion to apply (to match the CSA of the contrast-agnostic model). I suggest we fix the first one (ie: sigma), and then find the appropriate dilation/erosion to match the CSA.

Question: how do we find the appropriate sigma?

naga-karthik commented 8 months ago

Adding my two cents here -- recently, I was trying to play with dilation/erosion and gaussian kernel by applying them to the lesion masks in the context of ms lesion augmentation. I used this approach and saw that softness preservation was okay.

What I learned is that it was easier to fix binary dilation to the default values given in scipy and tweak the sigma value to match the softness we want.

jcohenadad commented 8 months ago

What I learned is that it was easier to fix binary dilation to the default values given in scipy and tweak the sigma value to match the softness we want.

Thank you for chipping in. What limitation of that approach (ie: binary morphomath followed by smoothing) is when the GT itself is already smooth. We currently don't have to deal with that, though, but we might in the future (eg: if we need to re-calibrate our GT).

What I learned is that it was easier to fix binary dilation to the default values given in scipy and tweak the sigma value to match the softness we want.

What makes it easier?

naga-karthik commented 8 months ago

What limitation of that approach (ie: binary morphomath followed by smoothing) is when the GT itself is already smooth.

Ah right! one important note in my approach is that the mask was not soft. so what you described is indeed a limitation

What makes it easier?

oh it's just one less hyperparameter to think about (i.e. the structuring element for the dilation)

jcohenadad commented 8 months ago

oh it's just one less hyperparameter to think about (i.e. the structuring element for the dilation)

ok, so you first calibrate, and then you smooth? so there is a risk that after smoothing, the CSA is changed

naga-karthik commented 8 months ago

ok, so you first calibrate, and then you smooth? so there is a risk that after smoothing, the CSA is changed

In the context of the problem discussed in this issue -- Yes. But, my experiments were not concerning CSA at all. They were for simply smoothing the lesion (ie. preserving PVE) after a lesion has been copied from a patient to a healthy subject. And I also had to use binarized GT for (nnUNet) training -- the dilation and smooth were only to preserve PVE not to create soft masks. With my initial comment, I just wanted to refer to some code to provide a starting point/direction, sorry if it is going off topic already 😅

jcohenadad commented 7 months ago

GOAL: find the appropriate smoothing kernel

see also:

Nilser3 commented 7 months ago

Thanks you @jcohenadad

Ok, following this summary, I have applied the convolve2d function from scipy.signal in the hard-seg masks (in 2D axial slices).

Using a kernel as:

kernel = np.array([[factor_c , factor_a , factor_c ],
                   [factor_a , factor_b , factor_a ],
                   [factor_c , factor_a , factor_c ]])

After testing different combinations of factor_a - factor_b - factor_c

here the minimal MSE scores (between soft-seg and hard-seg-smooth)


The minimumal MSE was: 1.620882622212772e-05 , and MI : 1.7332167484902985 (MSE and MI calculated in 3D masks) for a factor_a = 25, factor_b = 0 and factor_c = 39

Here the results:

image (Note that the result of the convolution is hard seg smooth all , but our final result is the multiplication with hard seg

jcohenadad commented 7 months ago


Nilser3 commented 7 months ago

Kernel 3D smoothing

kernel_3D = np.array([[[factor_c , factor_a , factor_c ],
                       [factor_a , factor_c , factor_a ],
                       [factor_c , factor_a , factor_c ]],

                       [[factor_a , factor_c , factor_a ],
                       [factor_c , factor_b , factor_c ],
                       [factor_a , factor_c , factor_a ]],

                       [[factor_c , factor_a , factor_c ],
                       [factor_a , factor_c , factor_a ],
                       [factor_c , factor_a , factor_c ]]   ])

I explored different factors, and with this curve I obtained the factors that made the minimum MSE with 3D kernels

Indeed, I have a better MSE with factor_a= 21, factor_b= 0 and factor_c= 0

image MSE = 1.5467695382768477e-05 (lower MSE than 2D)

CSA measurement with 2D and 3D kernels (Kernel 3x3)

Impact of the native image resolution on the result of the smoothing kernel

I have resampled the native image resolution from 1mm isotropic to 0.5 isotropic, So the kernels I used previously didn't work well: image MSE: 0.007665092145705405

so I started looking for 5x5x5 kernels. image MSE: 0.002629207418971108

I continue exploring other factors/methods to be able to answer all the previous questions

jcohenadad commented 7 months ago

very nice investigations @Nilser3 ! few comments:

naga-karthik commented 7 months ago

Just a thought of a wild idea (need to flush out the details later)

Instead of us trying to find an appropriate smoothing kernel to go from hard --> soft mask, what if we can train a DL model to do that for us? Pros: (1) learning kernels are what DL models are very good at, so we'd rather outsource it through a model (2) we have good quality, manually corrected binary labels (so data size is not a problem).

Model inputs: binary labels Model outputs: soft labels (yes, we don't even need the "images" !) Constraint: the SC CSA from corrected (input) binary label should be preserved by the (output) soft label. If we design a loss function that takes care of this, then the model will automatically learn that the CSA b/w hard and soft seg must be preserved. Earlier attempt to optimize for CSA during training (this can be a good starting point for this idea)

I might be missing some obvious things, any suggestions are welcome!

EDIT: this is also assuming that we're not using contrast-agnostic model predictions anywhere (i.e. the dataset/contrasts for which we want to improve contrast-agnostic model on, already has QC'd binary labels)

jcohenadad commented 7 months ago

Instead of us trying to find an appropriate smoothing kernel to go from hard --> soft mask, what if we can train a DL model to do that for us? Pros: (1) learning kernels are what DL models are very good at, so we'd rather outsource it through a model (2) we have good quality, manually corrected binary labels (so data size is not a problem).

This is an interesting approach. My only concern is that we can assess CNNs performance based on a certain data distribution and test set. What if we attach to much 'trust' to the produced CNNs, and one day we blindly apply it a binary segmentations which produce wrong soft ones (eg: because the input resolution is drastically different). A smoothing kernel is less 'opaque' in terms of interpretability. That being said, I'm open to this idea, but I need to be convinced it works as expected in many different conditions.

Nilser3 commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your comments @jcohenadad, @naga-karthik

Continuing my explorations using kernels, I propose:

  1. Reslicing the hard-seg masks, to 0.1mm only in the axial plane (using sct_resample)
  2. Erosion of some pixel of the resliced mask (i.e. 6 pixels)
  3. 2D convolution with a large kernel (i.e. 11x11)
  4. Return this mask to the initial resolution as hard_2_soft

I have this script for this propose, here some results in different modalities (resolutions):

MP2RAGE: res = 1.0x0.937x0.937mm

MP2RAGE hard-seg : Green line in outline MSE: 0.00285

T2w: res = 0.8x0.5x0.5

T2w hard-seg : Green line in outline MSE: 0.000772

3T T2star: res = 0.437x0.437x5.0

T2star hard-seg : Green line in outline MSE: 0.00506

STIR: res = 0.7x0.7x3.0

STIR hard-seg : Green line in outline MSE: 0.00017

Kernel used (11x11)


jcohenadad commented 6 months ago

@Nilser3 hold on for now (see

naga-karthik commented 4 months ago

Closing this issue as we have identified other ways enriching the contrast agnostic model. Summary of key points: