scverse / anndata

Annotated data.
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Writing a h5py.Dataset loads the whole thing into memory #1623

Open ivirshup opened 2 weeks ago

ivirshup commented 2 weeks ago

Please make sure these conditions are met



%load_ext memory_profiler

import h5py
from anndata.experimental import write_elem
import numpy as np

f = h5py.File("tmp.h5", "w")
X = np.ones((10_000, 10_000))

%memit write_elem(f, "X", X)
# peak memory: 940.14 MiB, increment: 0.00 MiB

%memit write_elem(f, "X2", f["X"])
# peak memory: 1702.89 MiB, increment: 762.75 MiB

The second write doubles the amount of memory. We can move to a chunked approach to writing pretty easily from the solution suggested here:

dst_ds = f.create_dataset_like('dst', src_ds, dtype=np.int64)

for chunk in src_ds.iter_chunks():
    dst_ds[chunk] = src_ds[chunk]


IPython             8.26.0
anndata             0.11.0.dev168+g8cc5a18
h5py                3.11.0
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memory_profiler     0.61.0
msgpack             1.0.8
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packaging           24.1
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parso               0.8.4
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zarr                2.18.2
zipp                NA
Python 3.11.9 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Apr 19 2024, 18:36:13) [GCC 12.3.0]
Session information updated at 2024-08-28 22:36
ivirshup commented 2 weeks ago

Some complications: