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Scraper Potentially not working #28

Closed LordOfIron closed 1 year ago

LordOfIron commented 1 year ago


A potential issue with the scraper not working within MP3 tag as of today. Each time I try to search a title I am presented with a screen like this, lacking all metadata

This is happening on:,, .com, Working on: .de, .fr

Example working:

Steps to resolve: Fully remove and reinstall the latest MP3Tag. Reconfigure as per the steps in the Plex Audiobook Guide: Issue is still present.

I don't know if this is a change Audible side or local to me. Coincidentally my local Audible app has stopped updating today and not importing new tracks,

Potentially this is just some downtime/ access issues with Amazon, however, I thought I should raise just incase it is a relevant background change.

I will check again in the morning, and I will close this issue if all is resolved.

Dr-Blank commented 1 year ago

I encountered this issue 2 days ago.

Trying to see what was going on, I searched only the author and I could see the list from audible perfectly except the first one.

As by default the first one is chosen when doing a quick match, it results in empty metadata as the first entry is itself empty in the list returned from audible.

As a work around I search only the author and from the list returned, choose the book I'm tagging, hoping that it won't be the first one in the list.

I hope I was able to frame it clearly.

0dysseus commented 1 year ago

I've also been experiencing this today; I've not been able to have any success with Dr-Blank's workaround.

romanoh commented 1 year ago

Is this happening in some titles or just some?

BluebonnetSK commented 1 year ago

Is this happening in some titles or just some?

Happening with all titles, on all global sites I tried. Looks like Audible made some change in the way the site works.

As an aside, now is when I really wish we had an mp3tag plugin that just pulled from audnexus :-)

romanoh commented 1 year ago

It is working for me: imagem

LordOfIron commented 1 year ago

I encountered this issue 2 days ago.

Trying to see what was going on, I searched only the author and I could see the list from audible perfectly except the first one.

As by default the first one is chosen when doing a quick match, it results in empty metadata as the first entry is itself empty in the list returned from audible.

As a work around I search only the author and from the list returned, choose the book I'm tagging, hoping that it won't be the first one in the list.

I hope I was able to frame it clearly.

Framed it perfectly, spot on - tried away on another audiobook and was able to replicate this exactly. See this:

The first result seems to be broken but pulling later one's works.

LordOfIron commented 1 year ago

It is working for me: imagem

Interesting. To reply to your first comment, it is happening on all titles but the behavior is as Dr-Blank describes, the first metadata result is borked, and therefore so is auto match, but all later ones are working as per described in the comment above.

Could you share which site you went to, and the name of the audiobook your got your result from and I will test my side and see if I can replicate your successful result?

seanap commented 1 year ago

Sounds like audible made some breaking changes. I'm traveling and won't be able to take a look until Monday. If someone is able to make a PR I can approve.

I'll start looking into using audnexus, but that is going to be a complete rewrite from scratch.

acutemeowcenary commented 1 year ago

heres a temp fix for people that don't want to wait. it changes the bolded part from "<ul class=\"bc-list" to "center-3" just edit the src file in notepad and update it. save a backup just in case. for whatever reason, it's now including the first category as the first book entry in the index table. by changing it to center-3, it selects the area past this section, making it function again.

i've tested this on 5 books, some solo books and some in series and it seems to resolve the issue for now.



DebugWriteInput #"C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\mp3tag.html"

Debug "ON" #"C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\mp3tagdebug.txt"

Only select the area we need instead of everyting.

findline "center-3" joinuntil "center-4"

regexpreplace "\s\s+" " " regexpreplace "\t+" " " replace "\" >" "\">" replace "> <" "><" replace "Running Time:" ""

findinline "results" findinline "<h3 class=\"bc-heading"

Cobolt78 commented 1 year ago

heres a temp fix for people that don't want to wait. it changes the bolded part from "<ul class="bc-list" to "center-3" just edit the src file in notepad and update it. save a backup just in case. for whatever reason, it's now including the first category as the first book entry in the index table. by changing it to center-3, it selects the area past this section, making it function again.

i've tested this on 5 books, some solo books and some in series and it seems to resolve the issue for now.



DebugWriteInput #"C:\Users%user%\Desktop\mp3tag.html"

Debug "ON" #"C:\Users%user%\Desktop\mp3tagdebug.txt"

Only select the area we need instead of everyting.

findline "center-3" joinuntil "center-4" regexpreplace "\s\s+" " " regexpreplace "\t+" " " replace "" >" "">" replace "> <" "><" replace "Running Time:" "" findinline "results" findinline "<h3 class="bc-heading"

Thanks heaps, works perfectly :)