seandepagnier / celestial_navigation_pi

celestial navigation plugin for opencpn
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RFE Should there be "Get Time #30

Open rgleason opened 5 years ago

rgleason commented 5 years ago

See Alan Hoeniensen #361

Not sure if this is the same as FS#1458

Should there be a “GetTime” button on the Sight Properties form?

Discussion: If I take a sight there are 2 cases.

1- I do not know what CB it is: Measure Hs, click “New”, enter Hs, figure out what CB it is, select it from the drop down box and hit OK.

2- I know the CB is Sirius: I click “New”, select Sirius from the drop down box, click “Find”. Set the “Altitude” on the sextant and I am ready to take the sight (CB will appear close to the horizon). Close the Sight Properties form (the time is no good), take the sight, click New, select Sirius from the drop down box, enter the Hs and click “OK” If a sight does not look right can take a new Hs ,click “GetTime” enter Hs and click OK.

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