seanlane / gochowdown

Hugo theme based on the Jekyll chowdown theme
MIT License
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Get a visible site title #1

Closed joede closed 5 years ago

joede commented 5 years ago

This is my first contact with Hugo and with this theme. I've tried to get the configured title of the site ({{ .Site.title}}) into the navigation bar.

I've done this by adding an entry into <nav> section of header.html. Here I used <h1> to get a bigger this.

In the end, the result looks ugly (wrong font, wrong color, bad spacing). I don't know which CSS styles I have to use to get a proper look and feel. ;-)

Could you please add the title into the navigation bar area? Could this be "switchable" from within config.yml?

seanlane commented 5 years ago

Sounds good to me, shouldn't take too long to throw something together.

seanlane commented 5 years ago

In config.yml under params, set the key showNavTitle to a value of true to show the title, or false or delete the key to hide the title, hence it's hidden by default.


joede commented 5 years ago

Great! Thank you for the fast result. I've seen you have updated your own site with a title too? Exactly the way it should be. ;-)

Normally I'm using Pelican which is part of my (preferred) Debian Linux. This was the first time I've tried Hugo. Very interesting....

By the way... I had to use Hugo extended to get your theme up and running. If this is ok, you should add a note to the readme.

seanlane commented 5 years ago

Yep, it wasn't something I noticed as being missing until you mentioned it.

Thanks for mentioning that, I actually didn't realize there was an extended version of Hugo (my inexperience with Hugo is showing here 😄). I've been using either Homebrew or the Arch User Repository to install, seems like both of them use Hugo extended. From what I can tell, the only difference is that Hugo extended comes with support for SASS/SCSS processing?

If that's the case, then yes it's required because the theme uses SCSS. I'll make a note of that on the README

seanlane commented 5 years ago

Note for others in the future: