seansfkelley / react-drinks

A mobile app for helping you find cocktails to make.
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Spirit Guide

A cocktail-mixing web app for your phone!

Try It!

There is a version I keep mostly up-to-date at It's tailored for Safari on iOS but generally seems to work elsewhere. Try saving it as a Web Clip from Safari to your home screen to remove the browser chrome and get a better experience.


See what you can mix

Put in what ingredients you have, get a list of what you can make. Recipes are currently sourced from the IBA and random sites on the internet.


Substitutions are accounted for when listing out mixable recipes -- have bourbon, but not rye? That Manhattan is still delicious. Cointreau, but not triple sec? You can make a Long Island Iced Tea, if you really want: the app leaves that decision up to you.

Almost-mixable drinks

If you've ever gotten that sneaking suspicion that you were one cheap mixer away from making a whole bunch of drinks, you were probably right. Things that are only one or two ingredients away will still come up and call out what they're missing so you can decide what to get at the corner store.

Curated ingredient/recipe lists

No longer do you have to enter all three of "Kahlua", "Tia Maria" and "coffee liqueur" to make sure you got all the results you should. The search understands that these are freely interchangable and will bring up the single representative -- "coffee liqueur" -- when you look for any of them.


First, install yarn. Then install dependencies:


Build the frontend:


And run the server:

npm start


You can specify a port using the PORT environment variable: PORT=80 npm start.

Using the App

When running, visit localhost:8080.

On an iPhone, you can save the page as a Web Clip from Safari and access it from the home screen (it removes the browser chrome).