sebastianbarry / Senior-Design-Capstone

Project Name: CUrPLAN
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List of Items to add to the Program #7

Open sebastianbarry opened 2 years ago

sebastianbarry commented 2 years ago

We want to compile a list of the different tasks we will end up doing throughout our senior design project.

sebastianbarry commented 2 years ago



sherpa2025 commented 2 years ago

Focus more on Technical Electives and give more information. For example: here is the info from my degree audit regarding the classes requirement to be considered as technical electives. ****Complete a total of 15 elective credit hours from the CSCI department. A maximum of 2 courses may apply from the 2000 level and must be from those listed. Sub-Requirement 1) 2000 Level Electives (Maximum of 2 courses)

Note: Courses taken after having taken a CSCI course 3000 or above, will not apply.* In the current live demo website, there is no additional info about technical electives besides the tab itself. So, I think the information like inside the '' should be informed to the user.

sebastianbarry commented 2 years ago
sebastianbarry commented 2 years ago

An idea came to me when I was registering for classes for the Fall 2022 semester:

While we may end up reducing the "Re-write backend in Java (Prio = 1)" task, this may bring up the question of "will we have enough content to reasonably change the CU're Plan? Will it pass as our senior design project with 5 people on one team?"

To buffer this decrease in work for our team, a possible idea I had was:

What if we created a webscraping algorithm that grabs CU denver (already public) FCQ responses for professors, and creates a "ratemyprofessor" type rating quickly, when you go to put in a course?

WHY? This would help students who already know how to register for CU Denver courses, and may feel that they don't need CU're Plan anymore. I thought about this because I went to register for a class, and looked up the professor's ratemyprofessor, and they didn't have a page for CU denver

This could be huge in drawing attention from students towards our app, but I'm interested to see what you guys think.

Problems with this? As far as feasibilty, I don't know if the FCQ responses have a quantitative amount that we can build an average rating from, but we could even just show a list of professors, and their FCQ responses in a separate page off the CU're Plan dashboard/main page

Question for everybody: Does anybody know what the link is for the FCQ responses? I remember it looking like a huge spreadsheet or something like that