The tests are passing but in a live environment there is still an issue with record arrays. When getting the table info Surreal returns the array field definition, and a nested definition;:
roles: 'DEFINE FIELD roles ON organisation TYPE array<record<role>> DEFAULT [] PERMISSIONS FULL',
'roles[*]': 'DEFINE FIELD roles[*] ON organisation TYPE record<role> PERMISSIONS FULL'
but our tests check only for the first definition
roles: 'DEFINE FIELD roles ON organisation TYPE array<record<role>> DEFAULT [] PERMISSIONS FULL
As our test for nested arrays is incorrect as #46 these two issues are likely related.
The tests are passing but in a live environment there is still an issue with record arrays. When getting the table info Surreal returns the array field definition, and a nested definition;:
but our tests check only for the first definition
As our test for nested arrays is incorrect as #46 these two issues are likely related.