sebdeckers / pfnp

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CSS Animation #4

Open vilav opened 8 years ago

vilav commented 8 years ago

CSS3 introduced a whole lot of goodness in terms of animation options for the web. However, different browsers need different variations of syntax to make these animations work and remembering the syntax can be quite cumbersome.

Here are 2 tools that greatly simplify this process by showing previews of commonly used of animations as well as their cross-browser CSS3 code snippets.

1) 2) (also offers a WYSIWYG interface to build multi-layered, complex CSS3 animations)

sebdeckers commented 8 years ago

Don't forget the grandaddy of them all, Animate.css.

When coding CSS it's very helpful to use a pre-processor like Stylus (or Less or Sass). Pre-processors offer both alternative (easier?) syntax as well as automatic prefixing of CSS properties.

The latest approach I currently recommend is to use PostCSS with the autoprefixer plugin. It's fast and highly extensible, unlike pre-processors.