seblindfors / ConsolePort

ConsolePort - Game Controller Addon for World of Warcraft
Artistic License 2.0
183 stars 39 forks source link

Random resource thread #5

Closed seblindfors closed 2 years ago

seblindfors commented 9 years ago

Posting random stuff in here that's related to the development process of ConsolePort or related modules. Pretty much a picture dump for new ideas and work in progress.

seblindfors commented 8 years ago

@OxydBCN Hey dude. Been a while! I haven't really been dabbling in too much of the advanced graphical design that we were back when doing the icons and all that jazz.

However, I'm currently re-working my concept action bar and trying to make it into a real, properly working action bar replacement for controllers. This is what the test version looks like:

Showing all bindings: image

Only showing bindings according to modifier held down: image

I'm also working on the basics of a custom interface, starting with the game menu: image

And here's a frame mock-up with the ConsolePort style deeply embedded: image

Do you have any ideas regarding any of this stuff that you'd like to share? :smiley:

Unoriginal02 commented 8 years ago


Is this a thing? captura de pantalla 2016-08-17 a las 20 13 26

Unoriginal02 commented 8 years ago

Or something more aligned captura de pantalla 2016-08-17 a las 20 17 02

Unoriginal02 commented 8 years ago

Or something kind of faded captura de pantalla 2016-08-17 a las 20 18 38

seblindfors commented 8 years ago

I mostly like the button mask on these. The issue is mainly the size of the bar. Let me show you what I have so far: image


Anyway, if you want to keep discussing it then I suggest you join me on Discord instead. It's a much more effective platform for longer discussions and sharing images: