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[BUG-134213] [Maint: Moonshine] breaks clickable functionality for certain HUDs #2244

Open sl-service-account opened 7 years ago

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Logged into Moonshine. I went to click the top Layer tab of my Maitreya HUD and noticed that none of the tabs, nor the close or minimize functions worked. Logged into Release viewer and HUD worked as expected.

Deleted all viewers and settings, logged into Moonshine and HUDs top functionality was broken. Deleted all viewers and settings, logged into Release and HUD worked as expected.

At this point, I asked Whirly and Kyle to both test with the same Maitreya HUD with Release and Moonshine and both experienced the same breakage.




Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-134213 | | Summary | [Maint: Moonshine] breaks clickable functionality for certain HUDs | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Needs More Info | | Resolution | Unresolved | | Reporter | Alexa Linden (alexa.linden) | | Created at | 2017-08-30T18:50:44Z | | Updated at | 2017-08-31T21:51:15Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2017-08-30T14:39:37.759-0500', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Viewer', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'more to follow', 'What were you doing when it happened?': '.', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': '.', } ```
sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2017-08-30T19:39:38Z

Also reproduces for me on Second Life (Second Life Release) with the Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1 HUD. I can click all the tabs without a problem on default release.

Second Life (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

You are at 56.2, 120.4, 22.8 in By Design1 located at (
(global coordinates 261,432.0, 247,160.0, 22.8)
Second Life Server
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz (2592 MHz)
Memory: 8113 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit  (Build 9200) compatibility mode. real ver: 10.0 (Build 10586)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 960M/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version:
OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 384.94

Window size: 1920x1011
Font Size Adjustment: 96pt
UI Scaling: 1
Draw distance: 72m
Bandwidth: 500kbit/s
LOD factor: 2
Render quality: 5 / 7
Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled
Texture memory: 512MB
VFS (cache) creation time: August 30 2017 11:25:33

J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
LLCEFLib/CEF Version: 1.5.3-(CEF-WIN-3.2526.1347-32)
LibVLC Version: 2.2.4
Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0017.22050

Packets Lost: 0/88,487 (0.0%)
August 30 2017 12:37:46
sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2017-08-30T19:43:29Z

Holding the HUD in edit & right clicking a tab -> Touch does work. Right click touch when the HUD is not in edit mode does not work. Left clicking on the tabs does not work.


sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2017-08-30T20:16:33Z, updated at 2017-08-30T20:18:30Z

Another repro HUD: C - Blondes Hud from the "Calico Hair Fair 2015 - Gift Hair". I have several similar Calico hair HUDs & they are all broken on Moonshine.

Alexa has a copy of this repro HUD.

Wear this HUD. Left click on the "Open" top right. Observe the HUD will not open on Moonshine but opens just fine on default release.

On Moonshine, editing the HUD, then right clicking over "Open" -> Touch works to open the HUD.


NOTE This HUD also reproduces the same problem on Moonshine when the HUD is rezzed inworld, so it isn't just HUDs & attachments suffering from this bug. The HUD also works fine when rezzed out on default release.

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Kyle Linden commented at 2017-08-30T22:50:04Z

Imported, then reopened for further updates and comments.