SPU (Secure Processing Unit) aims to be a provable, measurable secure computation device, which provides computation ability while keeping your private data protected.
In mpc/cheetah/rlwe/lwe_ct.cc, void PhantomLWECt::CastAsRLWE(const seal::SEALContext &context, uint64_t multiplier, RLWECt *out) const confuses me. The following code
if (multiplier == num_coeff) {
fixed_mul = ntt_tables[l].inv_degree_modulo();
} else {
// compute multiplier^{-1} mod p
uint64_t inv_multiplier;
try_invert_uint_mod(multiplier, modulus[l], inv_multiplier),
fmt::format("inverse mod for multiplier={} failed", multiplier));
fixed_mul.set(negate_uint_mod(inv_multiplier, modulus[l]), modulus[l]);
negates inv_multiplier in the second branch but not in the first branch. After a careful consideration, I think fixed_mul.set(negate_uint_mod(inv_multiplier, modulus[l]), modulus[l]); should be deleted, because the following code really need fixed_mul = multiplier^{-1} mod p without an extra minus sign.
Standalone code to reproduce the issue
//original code
void PhantomLWECt::CastAsRLWE(const seal::SEALContext &context,
uint64_t multiplier, RLWECt *out) const {
SPU_ENFORCE(out != nullptr);
if (!IsValid()) {
auto cntxt_data = context.get_context_data(parms_id());
SPU_ENFORCE(cntxt_data != nullptr, "invalid pid for this context");
out->resize(context, parms_id(), 2);
const auto &modulus = cntxt_data->parms().coeff_modulus();
const auto *ntt_tables = cntxt_data->small_ntt_tables();
auto num_modulus = this->coeff_modulus_size();
auto num_coeff = this->poly_modulus_degree();
const uint64_t *src_ptr = base_->data(1);
uint64_t *dst_ptr = out->data(1);
std::fill_n(out->data(0), num_coeff * num_modulus, 0);
for (size_t l = 0; l < num_modulus; ++l) {
using namespace seal::util;
// multiply N^{-1} mod p to cancel out the multiplier
MultiplyUIntModOperand fixed_mul;
if (multiplier == num_coeff) {
fixed_mul = ntt_tables[l].inv_degree_modulo();
} else {
// compute multiplier^{-1} mod p
uint64_t inv_multiplier;
try_invert_uint_mod(multiplier, modulus[l], inv_multiplier),
fmt::format("inverse mod for multiplier={} failed", multiplier));
fixed_mul.set(negate_uint_mod(inv_multiplier, modulus[l]), modulus[l]);
dst_ptr[0] =
multiply_uint_mod(src_ptr[coeff_index_], fixed_mul, modulus[l]);
size_t offset = num_coeff - coeff_index_;
for (size_t i = 1; i < offset; ++i) {
size_t src_rlwe_idx = coeff_index_ + i;
dst_ptr[i] =
multiply_uint_mod(src_ptr[src_rlwe_idx], fixed_mul, modulus[l]);
for (size_t i = offset; i < num_coeff; ++i) {
size_t src_rlwe_idx = i - offset;
dst_ptr[i] = multiply_uint_mod(modulus[l].value() - src_ptr[src_rlwe_idx],
fixed_mul, modulus[l]);
out->data(0)[l * num_coeff] = multiply_uint_mod(
base_->data(0)[l * num_coeff + coeff_index_], fixed_mul, modulus[l]);
src_ptr += num_coeff;
dst_ptr += num_coeff;
Issue Type
Modules Involved
MPC protocol
Have you reproduced the bug with SPU HEAD?
Have you searched existing issues?
SPU Version
commit 34d7f30806306dcfadceffd866a6bb3205ff2d84 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD)
OS Platform and Distribution
Ubuntu 20.04
Python Version
Compiler Version
gcc 13
Current Behavior?
In mpc/cheetah/rlwe/lwe_ct.cc,
void PhantomLWECt::CastAsRLWE(const seal::SEALContext &context, uint64_t multiplier, RLWECt *out) const
confuses me. The following codenegates
in the second branch but not in the first branch. After a careful consideration, I thinkfixed_mul.set(negate_uint_mod(inv_multiplier, modulus[l]), modulus[l]);
should be deleted, because the following code really needfixed_mul = multiplier^{-1} mod p
without an extra minus sign.Standalone code to reproduce the issue
Relevant log output
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