securesocketfunneling / ssf

Secure Socket Funneling - Network tool and toolkit - TCP and UDP port forwarding, SOCKS proxy, remote shell, standalone and cross platform
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Using ssf "arguments" in config.json don't work #43

Closed gregor-hh closed 7 years ago

gregor-hh commented 7 years ago

Hello again ;) I'am trying to start ssfc -c config.json without additional parameters. I put the needed ssfs arguments in the json config but it don't work.

Maybe I doing something wrong or it's a bug?

my config.json:

{ "ssf": { "arguments"; "-L 8081: -p 443", "tls" : { "ca_cert_path": "./certs/trusted/ca.crt", "cert_path": "./certs/certificate.crt", "key_path": "./certs/private.key", "key_password": "", "dh_path": "./certs/dh4096.pem", "cipher_alg": "DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384" }, "http_proxy" : { "host": "", "port": "", "credentials": { "username": "", "password": "", "domain": "", "reuse_ntlm": "true", "reuse_nego": "true" } }, "services": { "datagram_forwarder": { "enable": true }, "datagram_listener": { "enable": true, "gateway_ports": false }, "stream_forwarder": { "enable": true }, "stream_listener": { "enable": true, "gateway_ports": false }, "file_copy": { "enable": false }, "shell": { "enable": false, "path": "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe", "args": "-File -" }, "socks": { "enable": true } } } }

after starting "ssfc.exe -c config.json" , the following error is displayed: [2017-04-06 12:06:43][critical] command line: parsing failed: the option '--host' is required but missing [2017-04-06 12:06:43][error] client: wrong command line arguments

Any ideas? Syntax issue?

Thank You for help. BR Gregor

securesocketfunneling commented 7 years ago

It's not a bug, it's a feature ;)

Did you build your executables from the sources or you are using those from the web site? The arguments configuration is pretty new and is not present in 2.2. It will appear in 2.3.

You have to refer to this README for 2.2 documentation.

By the way, there is a typo in your config.json file:

"arguments"; "-L 8081: -p 443",

should be

"arguments": "-L 8081: -p 443",
gregor-hh commented 7 years ago

Thank You very much, I used the Webdownload ;-) Ok than thats the reason. The typo I saw.

Ok, well then i must wait ;-)

securesocketfunneling commented 7 years ago

Hello @gregor-hh,

We released SSF 3.0.0 and the arguments config key is now supported in the pre-built binaries. Check it out and do not hesitate to send us feedback.