In case that heatmap contains blank space (null value) does that mean the frame is 20MHz or 40MHz instead of 80MHz?
To get this heatmap, I captured on channel 36 with 80 MHz using Raspberry PI (using mcp -c 36/80 -C 1 -N 1)
Also when I tried to capture on channel 44 instead, it seems the data is misaligned. Is this considered normal?
In case that heatmap contains blank space (null value) does that mean the frame is 20MHz or 40MHz instead of 80MHz? To get this heatmap, I captured on channel 36 with 80 MHz using Raspberry PI (using mcp -c 36/80 -C 1 -N 1)
Also when I tried to capture on channel 44 instead, it seems the data is misaligned. Is this considered normal?