segiddins / cocoapods-dependencies

Shows a project's CocoaPods dependency graph
MIT License
252 stars 22 forks source link

Unknown command: `dependencies` #28

Open fcamblor opened 4 years ago

fcamblor commented 4 years ago


Using pod@1.9.3, after I installed cocoapods-dependencies, I can't run pod dependencies :

$> pod --version

$> sudo gem install cocoapods-dependencies
Successfully installed cocoapods-dependencies-1.3.0
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-dependencies-1.3.0
Done installing documentation for cocoapods-dependencies after 0 seconds
1 gem installed

$> pod dependencies
[!] Unknown command: `dependencies`
Did you mean: deintegrate?


    $ pod COMMAND

      CocoaPods, the Cocoa library package manager.


    + cache         Manipulate the CocoaPods cache
    + deintegrate   Deintegrate CocoaPods from your project
    + env           Display pod environment
    + init          Generate a Podfile for the current directory
    + install       Install project dependencies according to versions from a
    + ipc           Inter-process communication
    + lib           Develop pods
    + list          List pods
    + outdated      Show outdated project dependencies
    + plugins       Show available CocoaPods plugins
    + repo          Manage spec-repositories
    + search        Search for pods
    + setup         Setup the CocoaPods environment
    + spec          Manage pod specs
    + trunk         Interact with the CocoaPods API (e.g. publishing new specs)
    + try           Try a Pod!
    + update        Update outdated project dependencies and create new Podfile.lock


    --silent        Show nothing
    --version       Show the version of the tool
    --verbose       Show more debugging information
    --no-ansi       Show output without ANSI codes
    --help          Show help banner of specified command

Not sure what I did wrong .. on another Mac using pod@1.7.5 it's working fine (I can see the dependencies command in the help)

Note: Seems like #21 and #23 are duplicates of this issue, but didn't found any solution in it.

segiddins commented 4 years ago

what's the output of pod plugins list. if cocoapods-dependencies isn't in that list, it's an issue with your local setup instead of anything specific to this plugin.

mlvea commented 3 years ago

Check if your pod installation and plugin installation are different? I once had this issue and the reason was I had homebrew installed cocoa pods based on system ruby and gem was installed after I changed to rbenv. Once I switched my pod to rbenv based ruby, it fixed the issue for me.

gregoryvit commented 2 years ago

I've same problem.


$ bundle exec pod --version

Run plugin

$ bundle exec pod dependencies
[!] Unknown command: `dependencies`
Did you mean: deintegrate?


    $ pod COMMAND

      CocoaPods, the Cocoa library package manager.


    + cache         Manipulate the CocoaPods cache
    + deintegrate   Deintegrate CocoaPods from your project
    + env           Display pod environment
    + init          Generate a Podfile for the current directory
    + install       Install project dependencies according to versions from a
    + ipc           Inter-process communication
    + lib           Develop pods
    + list          List pods
    + outdated      Show outdated project dependencies
    + plugins       Show available CocoaPods plugins
    + repo          Manage spec-repositories
    + search        Search for pods
    + setup         Setup the CocoaPods environment
    + spec          Manage pod specs
    + trunk         Interact with the CocoaPods API (e.g. publishing new specs)
    + try           Try a Pod!
    + update        Update outdated project dependencies and create new Podfile.lock


    --allow-root    Allows CocoaPods to run as root
    --silent        Show nothing
    --version       Show the version of the tool
    --verbose       Show more debugging information
    --no-ansi       Show output without ANSI codes
    --help          Show help banner of specified command

Plugins list

$  bundle exec pod plugins list
Downloading Plugins list...

Available CocoaPods Plugins:

-> AppleDoc
     Generates docset and documentation for a pod.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-appledoc
     - URL:

-> Deploy
     Deploys dependencies for a CocoaPods project without needing to clone the repo (Similar to Bundler's `--deployment`).
     - Gem:     cocoapods-deploy
     - URL:

-> Rome
     Rome makes it easy to build a list of frameworks for consumption outside of Xcode, e.g. for a Swift script.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-rome
     - URL:

-> Pod Dependencies (1.3.0)
     Shows a project's CocoaPod dependency graph.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-dependencies
     - URL:

-> Pod browser
     Open a pod's homepage in the browser.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-browser
     - URL:

-> Check Latest
     Checks if the latest version of a pod is up to date.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-check_latest
     - URL:

-> Pod docs
     Convenient access to the documentation of a Pod via
     - Gem:     cocoapods-docs
     - URL:

-> docstats
     Showing documentation metrics of Pods.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-docstats
     - URL:

-> git tarball
     Speed up downloads of pods from public git repos by using tarballs, if possible.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-git-tarball
     - URL:

-> open
     Open a pod’s workspace.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-open
     - URL:

-> Pod info
     Shows information on installed Pods.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-podfile_info
     - URL:

-> repo-svn
     Adds subversion support to manage spec-repositories.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-repo-svn
     - URL:

-> repo-hg
     Adds mercurial support to manage spec-repositories.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-repo-hg
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Repo Update
     cocoapods-repo-update is a CocoaPods plugin that checks your dependencies when you run `pod install` and updates the local specs repositories if needed.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-repo-update
     - URL:

-> Pod watch
     Watch for Podfile changes and run pod install.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-watch
     - URL:

-> Pods Roulette
     Builds an empty project with three random pods.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-roulette
     - URL:

-> Sorted Search
     Adds a sort subcommand for pod search to sort search results by amount of stars, forks, or github activity.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-sorted-search
     - URL:

-> Release
     Tags and releases pods for you.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-release
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Keys
     Store sensitive data in your Mac's keychain, that will be installed into your app's source code via the Pods library.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-keys
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Packager
     Generate a framework or static library from a podspec.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-packager
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Links
     A CocoaPods plugin to manage local development pods
     - Gem:     cocoapods-links
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Prune Localizations
     Upon running pod install, this plugin will remove unused localizations by your project
     - Gem:     cocoapods-prune-localizations
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Thumbs
     Use cocoapods-thumbs to check upvotes or downvotes of Podspecs from your peers based on past experiences.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-thumbs
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Blocklist
     Check if a project is using a banned version of a pod. Handy for security audits.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-blocklist
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Archive
     A CocoaPods plugin that enables you to archive your Pod as a static library
     - Gem:     cocoapods-archive
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Check
     Displays differences between locked and installed Pods
     - Gem:     cocoapods-check
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Acknowledgements
     CocoaPods plugin that generates an acknowledgements plist to make it easy to create tools to use in apps.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-acknowledgements
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Generator
     Add files to empty target from *.podspec, such as souce files, libraries, frameworks, resources and so on.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-generator
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Debug
     A simple plugin to ease debugging CocoaPods.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-debug
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Artifactory Plugin
     Enables usage of Artifactory as an index for CocoaPods repo and as a repository for pods.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-art
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Update If You Dare
     update ... if you dare (warns users before updating all pods at once)
     - Gem:     cocoapods-update-if-you-dare
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Uploader
     Upload file/dir to remote storage.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-uploader
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Mix Frameworks
     Mix use_framework! targets with static targets through a surrogate Framework target.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-mix-frameworks
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Foundation Headers
     A CocoaPods plugin for using Foundation instead of UIKit/Cocoa in generated headers
     - Gem:     cocoapods-foundation-headers
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Githooks
     A CocoaPods plugin that syncs git hooks between team members
     - Gem:     cocoapods-githooks
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Integrate Flutter
     A plugin to integrate flutter with existing iOS application.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-integrate-flutter
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Templates
     CocoaPods plugin to install Xcode templates from a remote source
     - Gem:     cocoapods-templates
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Mangle
     Mangling your dependencies symbols allows more than one copy of a dependency to exist without errors. This plugin mangles your dependencies to make this possible.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-mangle
     - URL:

-> Cocoapods Pod Merge
     Merge pods used by your iOS project, reducing the number of dynamic frameworks your app has to load on startup
     - Gem:     cocoapods-pod-merge
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods User Defined Build Types
     A CocoaPods plugin which can selectively set build type per pod (static library, dynamic framework, etc.)
     - Gem:     cocoapods-user-defined-build-types
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods source from AWS S3
     A CocoaPods plugin to download sources from AWS S3 using pre signed urls
     - Gem:     cocoapods-s3-download
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Query
     Shows all CocoaPods in a project filtered by search term (author name, source file, dependency, etc.)
     - Gem:     cocoapods-query
     - URL:

-> CocoaPods Why
     Shows why one CocoaPod depends on another
     - Gem:     cocoapods-why
     - URL:

-> Azure Universal Packages
     Enables CocoaPods to download Universal Packages from Azure Artifacts feeds.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-azure-universal-packages
     - URL:

-> Pod Linkage
     A CocoaPods plugin for configuring the linkage type of a specific pod.
     - Gem:     cocoapods-pod-linkage
     - URL:
anuragajwani commented 2 years ago

having the same problem, the plugin is listed but the command is not found. I'm on Cocoapods 1.11.2.

BoOelkers commented 2 years ago


Cheng455153666 commented 2 years ago


gem install claide

It works for me!

IshakRany commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. installing "claide" didn't help.

blazek commented 9 months ago
