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SEO , TAGS: include blogpost tags in <meta name="keywords"> #18

Closed ionescu77 closed 3 years ago

ionescu77 commented 4 years ago

SEO include blogpost tags in

Intram in partea invizibila SEO.

Tag-urile implementate de dominic sunt importante vizual si ca navigare prin site, dar sunt si mai importante pentru SEO (Search Engine Optimization), pe baza lor crawler-ul google face ranking la pagina, in cazul nostru articol de blog:

<meta name="keywords" content="Selfpower, Blog, Post, Articol, Studiu, Consiliere, Educatie, Dezvoltare, Personala">

ar trebui sa ramana selfpower, blog, post, articol si restul sa fie dinamice, adica tag-urile propriuzise ale blog-post-ului:

Nu am implementarea acum in cap, dar probabil Dom o stie, pt ca a facut implementarea, scriu in pseudocod:

<meta name="keywords" content="Selfpower, Blog, Post, Articol, {% tags list%}">

Unde {% tags list%} e lista tag-urilor post-ului: management, caterinca, etc. si se schimba bineinteles in functie de ce tag-uri are post-ul in baza de date.


ionescu77 commented 4 years ago

About 1

About 2

There’s no getting around the fact that meta keywords aren’t the big players they once were in SEO. Most search engines have realized that sites can easily “game” the meta keywords field with black-hat keyword stuffing, so meta keywords are no longer an important part of the Google ranking algorithm. (More attention ought to be paid to Title Tags and Meta Descriptions than to Meta Keywords.) But they can nonetheless still play a small but helpful part in communicating your message and attracting searchers to your site. In the competitive world of search engine marketing, every little bit helps.