semifor / Net-Twitter

A Perl interface to the Twitter APIs
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Net::Twitter::Role::OAuth example not working #57

Closed ivanwills closed 8 years ago

ivanwills commented 8 years ago


I tried using your example from but the code dies on the get_authorization_url line:


use Net::Twitter;

my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(
    traits          => ['API::RESTv1_1', 'OAuth'],
    consumer_key    => "YOUR-CONSUMER-KEY",
    consumer_secret => "YOUR-CONSUMER-SECRET",

# You'll save the token and secret in cookie, config file or session database
my($access_token, $access_token_secret) = restore_tokens();
if ($access_token && $access_token_secret) {

unless ( $nt->authorized ) {
    # The client is not yet authorized: Do it now
    print "Authorize this app at ", $nt->get_authorization_url, " and enter the PIN#\n";

    my $pin = <STDIN>; # wait for input
    chomp $pin;

    my($access_token, $access_token_secret, $user_id, $screen_name) = $nt->request_access_token(verifier => $pin);
    save_tokens($access_token, $access_token_secret); # if necessary

sub restore_tokens {

sub save_tokens {
    warn join "\n", @_, '';

Running this give:

Net::Twitter::Role::OAuth::get_authorization_url(): GET failed: 401 Authorization Required at ./ line 20

Seems to be a recursive error (need to be authorized to get authorized). I did try with my apps keys just so you know.

semifor commented 8 years ago

Did you get this working @ivanwills? I just tried the desktop oauth example. It works for me, so I was going to suggest starting there.