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Unexpected EOF #3

Closed noerw closed 7 years ago

noerw commented 7 years ago

for large requests (~1 MB and up) httr fails with

Unexpected EOF

Unshure whether this is a problem with the R implementation of curl, my (unstable) internetconnection, or if the API returns garbage..

noerw commented 7 years ago

I tested with curl with an url generated by httr, which returns the same error:


sometimes results in:

curl: (56) Unexpected EOF                   

This doesn't occur always and not at the same place in the response..

@ubergesundheit can you reproduce?

ubergesundheit commented 7 years ago

Yes, seems to be the api running into a timeout it seems.

After running

time curl ",50.4463457692711,15.5111978340943,55.5775562902376&from-date=2017-07-23T14:18:35Z&to-date=2017-08-23T14:18:35Z&columns=value,createdAt,lon,lat,sensorId,unit" > /dev/null

multiple times, it seems the api just closes the connection after 10 seconds.

I will investigate where the timeout can be configured

ubergesundheit commented 7 years ago

Should work now.