[x] refactor mfcc function to take optional input or break into two functions, one from audios and one from spectrograms
Freeform Notes
more generally consider optimizing internal parallelization so that scale of number of files doesn't can be handled with limited memory. (this may apply to multiple functions).
the current extract_mel_filter_bank_from_audios extraction (https://github.com/sensein/senselab/blob/e5a935a808782cf7ca7d7836b5e0fab45858cd1f/src/senselab/audio/tasks/features_extraction/torchaudio.py#L121) extracts spectrograms for all audios. it would be nice to have that as an optional input in case they have been already generated or broken into separate functions.
Freeform Notes
more generally consider optimizing internal parallelization so that scale of number of files doesn't can be handled with limited memory. (this may apply to multiple functions).