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[Feature Request] OpenVPN Integration #282

Closed asachs01 closed 1 year ago

asachs01 commented 2 years ago

As part of internal ref and a recent DA discussion we'd like to have an OpenVPN integration. In order to deliver this, the integration will require:

Some inspiration for this may be found in the openvpn prometheus exporter.

What is outstanding in this issue is an example of what the status file looks like. @jhenderson-pro to provide that.

jhenderson-pro commented 2 years ago

root@ip-10-0-1-75:/var/log/openvpn# cat status.log OpenVPN CLIENT LIST Updated,2022-07-29 17:31:30 Common Name,Real Address,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent,Connected Since ROUTING TABLE Virtual Address,Common Name,Real Address,Last Ref GLOBAL STATS Max bcast/mcast queue length,0 END

lrosenman commented 2 years ago

$ telnet localhost 1195 Trying Escape character is '^]'.

INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 2 -- type 'help' for more info status OpenVPN CLIENT LIST Updated,Fri Jul 29 17:50:06 2022 Common Name,Real Address,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent,Connected Since user1,,2859065,28030962,Fri Jul 29 15:10:21 2022 user2,,192748,346494,Fri Jul 29 15:48:05 2022 user3,,63122443,254270929,Tue Jul 26 22:10:50 2022 user4,,2376431,48458294,Fri Jul 29 14:12:56 2022 user5,,1233555,26366851,Fri Jul 29 15:18:03 2022 user6,,4386870,11086944,Fri Jul 29 13:48:57 2022 user7,,93188,140662,Fri Jul 29 17:01:53 2022 user8,,877933,2080888,Fri Jul 29 15:48:35 2022 user9,,11397815,17611679,Fri Jul 29 15:40:04 2022 user10,,72183,616726,Fri Jul 29 14:52:48 2022 user11,,608815,885343,Fri Jul 29 15:46:45 2022 user12,,403427,580565,Fri Jul 29 15:58:16 2022 user13,,23028046,212627208,Fri Jul 29 15:42:34 2022 ROUTING TABLE Virtual Address,Common Name,Real Address,Last Ref,user1,,Fri Jul 29 15:19:38 2022,user2,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:06 2022,user3,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:06 2022,user4,,Fri Jul 29 17:49:38 2022,user5,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:05 2022,user6,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:05 2022,user7,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:06 2022,user8,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:03 2022,user9,,Fri Jul 29 17:49:59 2022,user10,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:05 2022,user11,,Fri Jul 29 17:06:02 2022,user12,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:06 2022,user13,,Fri Jul 29 17:50:06 2022 GLOBAL STATS Max bcast/mcast queue length,0 END quit Connection closed by foreign host.

$ telnet localhost 1195 Trying Escape character is '^]'.

INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 2 -- type 'help' for more info status OpenVPN CLIENT LIST Updated,Fri Jul 29 17:49:28 2022 Common Name,Real Address,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent,Connected Since user1,,368618,1023550,Fri Jul 29 14:21:48 2022 ROUTING TABLE Virtual Address,Common Name,Real Address,Last Ref,user1,,Fri Jul 29 17:49:16 2022 GLOBAL STATS Max bcast/mcast queue length,0 END quit Connection closed by foreign host.

those are my 2.

portertech commented 2 years ago

@lrosenman are these the requirements?

Ensure the OpenVPN:

lrosenman commented 2 years ago

@lrosenman are these the requirements?

Ensure the OpenVPN:

  • Process is running (critical)
  • Service is operating and serving its status (critical)
  • Service has active client connections with associated routes (warning)

Yes. No connections is a valid state, but unusual.

portertech commented 2 years ago

@lrosenman would you want a non-ok status when there are no connections/routes? Perhaps something like a "minimum connections threshold" is appropriate? If unset (or 0), do not inspect the client count.

lrosenman commented 2 years ago

@lrosenman would you want a non-ok status when there are no connections/routes? Perhaps something like a "minimum connections threshold" is appropriate? If unset (or 0), do not inspect the client count.

Hrm. I would like the client count in the message that is put out. I think a tunable like above would be a good thing.

portertech commented 2 years ago


Ensure the OpenVPN:

  1. Process is running
  2. Service is operating and serving its status
  3. (Optional) Service has active client connections with associated routes

The How

  1. Parse the OpenVPN status file (path is explicitly configured)
  2. Compare the status file's Updated value against current time to determine the file's age
  3. Count the number of connected clients
  4. Evaluate the configured status file age thresholds against the file's age
  5. Evaluate the configured minimum clients thresholds against the connected client count
  6. Always output the connected client count in check STDOUT messages

Options (CLI and ENV):

--status-file (required) --status-file-age-crit (default to 180) --status-file-age-warn (default to 120) --min-clients-crit (default to 0) --min-clients-warn (default to 0)

Prior Art

Use the status file parser from:


  1. New Go sensu-openvpn-check plugin (e.g.
  2. Bonsai Asset (e.g.
  3. Catalog integration (e.g.
portertech commented 2 years ago

@fguimond pointed out that the Updated time has no TZ info etc and could be unreliable. Alternatively, we can use the actual status file last modified timestamp to determine the age.

portertech commented 1 year ago

@asachs01 this should be ready to ship on Monday.

asachs01 commented 1 year ago

@jhenderson-pro to follow up and then shoot this over to the customer.