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Create an ADR for `Static Site Generator (SSG)` #331

Open sentenz opened 4 months ago

sentenz commented 4 months ago

ADR Static Site Generator (SSG)

Architectural Decision Records (ADR) on a Static Site Generator (SSG) for a project documentation site.

1. State

2. Context

Our project requires the generation of a static website. The website will contain documentation, articles, guides and other static content. The primary contenders for the static site generator (SSG) are Hugo, MkDocs, and Docusaurus.

3. Decision Drivers

3. Decision

  1. Hugo

    Hugo was selected due to its superior performance, flexibility, extensive customization options, robust Markdown support through Goldmark, and support for multiple markup languages including AsciiDoc and reStructuredText. Although it has a steeper learning curve and more complex configuration compared to MkDocs, its speed and ability to handle large sites efficiently make it the best choice for our project. Additionally, Hugo's strong community support and comprehensive documentation ensure that any challenges can be addressed effectively.

4. Considered

  1. Hugo

    • Pros

      • Performance

        Hugo is one of the fastest SSGs available, capable of building large sites quickly.

      • Flexibility

        Supports a wide range of content types and taxonomies.

      • Customization

        Extensive theming capabilities and support for custom templates.

      • Documentation

        Comprehensive documentation and a large community.

      • Content Management

        Supports multiple content formats (Markdown, HTML, AsciiDoc, RST).

      • Markdown Flavor

        Supports Goldmark, which is an extension-rich implementation of the compatible CommonMark specification. This allows for advanced Markdown features and customization.

      • Markup Languages

        Supports various markup languages including Markdown, AsciiDoc, and reStructuredText (RST).

    • Cons

      • Learning Curve

        Can be complex for beginners due to its wide range of features and options, and the Go-based templating system can be complicated for those unfamiliar with the language.

      • Configuration

        Initial setup and configuration can be more involved compared to simpler tools.

  2. MkDocs

    • Pros

      • Ease of Use

        Simple and straightforward, especially for documentation websites.

      • Configuration

        Minimal configuration required to get started.

      • Documentation

        Good documentation and a friendly community.

    • Cons

      • Performance

        Slower than Hugo for large sites.

      • Customization

        Limited theming and customization options compared to Hugo and Docusaurus.

      • Extensibility:

        Fewer plugins and extensions available.

      • Markdown Flavor

        Uses Python-Markdown, which adheres strictly to John Gruber's Markdown specification. This includes a strict 4-space indentation requirement for code blocks, which can be less flexible compared to other Markdown flavors.

      • Markup Languages

        Primarily supports Markdown, with limited support for other markup languages.

  3. Docusaurus

    • Pros

      • Ease of Use

        Designed for documentation with a strong focus on ease of use.

      • Customization

        Good theming options and support for React components.

      • Integration

        Works well with existing JavaScript/React projects.

      • Community

        Active community college and support from Facebook.

      • Markdowns Flavor

        Uses Remark/MDX, which supports JSX within Markdown, enabling complex interactions and component embedding.

    • Cons

      • Performance

        Slower build times compared to Hugo.

      • Learning Curve

        Requires knowledge of React and JavaScript for advanced customization.

      • Size

        Heavier dependencies due to its React-based architecture.

      • Markup Languages

        Primarily supports Markdown with JSX, limited support for other markup languages.

5. Consequences

  1. Positive

    • Performance

      Fast build times will improve the development workflow and scalability of the website.

    • Flexibility

      Ability to handle various content types and complex structures.

    • Community

      Access to a large number of themes, plugins, and support resources.

    • Markdown

      Support for advanced Markdown features and customization options.

    • Markup Languages

      Support for multiple markup languages increases flexibility in content authoring.

  2. Negative

    • Learning Curve

      Team members will need to invest time in learning Hugo's configuration and capabilities.

    • Complexity

      Initial setup may be more involved, requiring careful planning and configuration.

6. References