septor / showonpages

e107v2: Custom Content Display Plugin
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ShowOnPages will be undergoing some rather significant changes. If you are using the plugin right now, you'll want to ease back a bit unless you're willing to reinstall later. There is a decent discussion taking place here and here about the direction ShowOnPages will be taking. In short, the following will eventually be happening:

Due to the nature of the changes in store you will be required to reinstall the plugin. It's probably possible to avoid this, but I'm not going to research the best way to handle it. Your current content codes could be a mix of CSS, JS, snippets, files, whatever. I don't want, and you don't need, the trouble it could cause.

Keep an eye on the issue linked above, and feel free to contribute your thoughts, and the commits forthcoming for progress and updates!


ShowOnPages allows you to display code on every page of your e107 installation. It also lets you display the same code only on some pages. Add in the ability to limit the displaying based on userclass and you're given one powerful tool for your website.

How To Use

This section is outdated for the changes to come. If you are using the current ShowOnPages version and need assistance, feel free to contact me via Twitter.


You should remember that pages can be named anything. I can make 14 plugins and have a bear.php file in each of them. The way this plugin (ShowOnPages) will work is by finding out what page you are on and pulling up the appropriate content code to display. It's not going to care which bear.php you are on, it's going to give you the content code meant for bear.php. Because of this you're going to have to be careful when you enter code to display on bear.php and make sure it won't break anything.

Secondly, it should also be known that you should pay attention to what you are assigning to pages and make sure that you don't make the same code show up in different content code lists for different pages. An example would be a stylesheet. While loading something like the same stylesheet won't do anything bad, it could cause less than perfect results with something else.


You can translate ShowOnPages easily by forking this repo, and then submitting a pull request with your translations.